Sophia : un 'pape' au CICA

Posté jeu 08/03/2001 - 00:00
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Un 'pape' au CICA le lundi 12 mars à 9 heures avait annoncé Jean-Louis Geiger, le directeur du Centre International de Communication Avancée. Un 'pape' oui. Mais de l'e-commerce en la personne de Jean-Marie Mayot qui interviendra autour des résultats d'une enquête réalisée fin 2000 par PricewaterhouseCoopers. Une enquête qui s'intitule : 'After the goldrush - the dotcom dilemma' et qui vient éclairer les problématiques de management, de profitabilité, de financement et les défis se posant aux sociétés internet.

Tornado-Insider à la recherche des meilleures start-up

Posté jeu 08/03/2001 - 00:00
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Les journalistes du magazine britannique Tornado-Insider vont parcourir l'Europe pour identifier les start-ups les plus brillantes et prendre le pouls de la Nouvelle Economie (voir sur /"> Tornado-Insider fera étape à Sophia-Antipolis dans les locaux de Theseus Management Institute le 15 mars prochain pour désigner la start-up régionale la plus performante.

The magazine Capital launches

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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The Web is starting in the economic information. Besides the classical magazines as 'Les Echos', 'La Tribune', other actors are entering the market. Thus, M6 puts forward their new website /">, that they define as a website of all economiesand where find its programme, 'Capital', can be find as well as the Stock Exchange, advices for everyday life, etc.

Monaco :Merck wants to push Theramex

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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Merck wants to support Theramex. The German pharmaceutical and chemical group which has finalized the acquisition of the Monegasque laboratory Theramex, intends to double the laboratory's turnover within five years. The turnover would pass from 632 million francs in 1998 to more than 1.5 billion francs in 2005 (230million euros). In order to achieve it, Merck intend to internationalise the products of this laboratory specialized in gynaecology. Thus the exports should pass from 15% in 1998 to 40% in 2005.

Monaco Telecom is going to create the Kosovo's GSM network.

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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Mobile phones of the Kosovo will communicate thanks to Monaco Telecom. The United Nations Administration has entrusted the creation of GSM network in Kosovo to Monaco Telecom, associated with Alcatel.the whole file should be presented late January-early February by Richard Lalande and Antoine Veran, respectively the president and the general manager of Monaco Telecom, during a press conference.

Saint-Gaston, worldwide day without mobile phone

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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Why did February 6th become a 'worldwide day without a mobile phone'? Because it was the day of the 'St Gaston'. Remember this of Nino Ferrer : 'Gaston y'a l'téléfon qui son. Et y'a jamais person qui y répond'. At the beginning, it was, of course, a joke made by Phil Marso, author of the whodunnit novel 'Mobile killer without obvious mobile'. However, since the madness of the mobile, the joke took more importance. Nowadays, he has a website in 7 languages as a support and receives backing from several associations worldwide.

Liberty Surf : the totally free Internet is over

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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You have until tomorrow evening, Wednesday January 31st , if you wish to benefit from the totally free Internet (4 hours, communications included) with Liberty Surf. Since its takeover by the Italian Tiscani, the French FAI (Internet Service Provider) changed its strategy. It had already gathered the start-up of Sophia, and in a same pole. This time, they put an end to the package of '4 Internet hours, communications included, for 0 francs'. However, this package will be in use for a year for all those who subscribed before January 31st, midnight.

Christine Badel, nouvel interlocuteur à la DRIRE

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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C'était le visage de la DRIRE (Délégation régionale de l'industrie, de la recherche et de l'environnement) dans les Alpes-Maritimes. Après quatre années de bons et loyaux services, Jean-Louis Bottemer a regagné EDF, sa maison d'origine. Il a été remplacé le 1er mars par Christine Badel, elle aussi venant d'EDF (e-mail :

Monaco at the Council of Europe : new meetings

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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Three months after the elaboration of the legal report on the Principality, two members of the Council of Europe will be in Monaco on Monday and Tuesday, in the framework of the membership application of the Principality to a European institution that gathers 49 countries. Kristina Ojuland, an Estonian member of the commission of political matters, and Lord Kirkhill, a British member of the commission of legal matters and rights of man, will have a very busy planning.

Internet tout compris : forfait 100 heures de Wanadoo

Posté mer 07/03/2001 - 00:00
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Wanadoo se lance sur le marché de l'accès Internet longue durée tout compris : un nouveau forfait de 100 heures, accès et télécommunications inclus, est proposé aux 50.000 premiers inscrits (engagement minimum sur 12 mois). C'est un premier pas vers les accros d'Internet. Un pas qui devrait permettre aux gros consommateurs qui n'ont pas l'ADSL, d'attendre la mise en place promise de l'IFI à la fin de l'été.