Boursorama : Internet par les fils électriques
La vidéo, la musique, la voix, les données par les fils électriques ? Ce devrait être possible d'ici cinq ans. La solution de l'Internet par le réseau électrique est explorée depuis plus d'un an à l'ETSI de Sophia Antipolis (European Telecommunications Standarts Institute) avec le projet Powerline. Aujourd'hui, elle semble déboucher sur une véritable réalité industrielle. L'Allemagne notamment a réussi les premiers tests grandeur nature.
Sophia: European Forum on economic intelligence
“Economic intelligence on aural monitoring influence in the company”: this is the subject of the 5th European forum on economic intelligence organized by the commission “Information for the company” of the AAAF (Aeronautics and Astronautics Association of France). This forum, which will take place at the CICA in Sophia Antipolis (2229 Route des Crêtes, Valbonne) on September 27th, 28th and 29th 2000, is in the continuity and the logic of the four previous colloquiums held since 1990 in France.
A new weekly publication for the new economy
The group called Test is going to attempt another publication. This subsidiary of Vivendi has already launched with success “Newbizz”. Fortified by this experience, it will publish Le Nouvel Hebdo” from tomorrow Friday, March 2nd “, a magazine dedicated to the Net economy which will only deal with the Net economy, as asserts the managing editor Jean-Jérôme Bertolus. This new weekly publication comes on a market already nearly saturated by numerous magazines. However, “Le Nouvel Hebdo” tries to be different, dealing with business and new technologies at the same time.
Recruitment : Menway Sud sets up in Sophia
Menway Sud, subsidiary of Menway Consultants Group, consulting firm in recruitment and human resources sets up in Sophia Antipolis. It opened offices in the business centre HQ at “Les Espaces de sophia”. Pascale Marmara, former consultant in executive search for the groups Egor in Paris and Heidrick and Struggles in London, will lead a team of Sophia gathering two or three consultants.Established in 1990, Menway Group (26 consultants in France), work with research associates, a Web server where the ads are published and a data base file.
Jean-François Fau, in charge of T.I. Europe
Jean-François Fau, forty-five years old, who managed the Wireless Telecommunication unity of Texas Instruments in Europe from Villeneuve-Loubet, has just been given the responsibility of the European branch of Texas Instruments. He replaces for this position Dave Richardson who now retires. Already vice-president of T.I., Jean-François Fau integrated the company twenty years ago. In his career, he was the sales and marketing manager of the telecommunication sector within the group of semi-conductors for Europe and worked in collaboration with the main mobile phone manufacturers.
Qwam System et la stratégie de portail d'entreprise
?Deuxième vie' doesn?t want to hear about retirement
Members of the association “Deuxième vie' might not demonstrate to stand up for retirement at 60 years old. During the last meeting of their association, in the of the premises of the EDHEC in Nice, they launched a collective challenge, banning the word “retirement” of their own vocabulary and their circle’s one as well as charging of 5 francs every violation to this rule! The association, which concerns mainly executives between 40 and 50 years old aims to avoid this retirement, helping everyone to find their own way for a second professional life.
Jean-François Fau, in charge of T.I. Europe
Jean-François Fau, forty-five years old, who managed the Wireless Telecommunication unity of Texas Instruments in Europe from Villeneuve-Loubet, has just been given the responsibility of the European branch of Texas Instruments. He replaces for this position Dave Richardson who now retires. Already vice-president of T.I., Jean-François Fau integrated the company twenty years ago. In his career, he was the sales and marketing manager of the telecommunication sector within the group of semi-conductors for Europe and worked in collaboration with the main mobile phone manufacturers.
Hello 'Le Nouvel Hebdo', le petit frère de 'Newbizz'
Qwam System et la stratégie de portail d'entreprise
Air : Air Littoral will remain independent and regional
The situation is evolving very quickly for the second French air pole composed of SAir Group (Swissair) with the takeover of AOM, Air Liberté and Air Littoral. The new strategy change announced yesterday at Montpellier, in the Air Littoral office by the resigning CEO Paul Reutlinger consists in that the pole will be only composed of AOM and Air Liberté. The name of the company will be Air Liberté and it will be located in Paris. According to that scheme, Air Littoral would remain independent and would keep a regional vocation that it used to have at the beginning. : online training
Sécurité sur le Net : deux beaux contrats pour Neurocom
Sophia: European Forum on economic intelligence
“Economic intelligence on aural monitoring influence in the company”: this is the subject of the 5th European forum on economic intelligence organized by the commission “Information for the company” of the AAAF (Aeronautics and Astronautics Association of France). This forum, which will take place at the CICA in Sophia Antipolis (2229 Route des Crêtes, Valbonne) on September 27th, 28th and 29th 2000, is in the continuity and the logic of the four previous colloquiums held since 1990 in France.
Monaco : un an de retard dans les travaux du port
Les travaux du port de Monaco ont pris une année de retard. On parle désormais de l'horizon 2002. Il semble d'ailleurs que le projet de digue flottante ait dû être remanié en cours de route. En effet, des simulations ont montré que la houle pouvait passer par dessous la digue et venir perturber la tranquilité des eaux du bassin. L'espace non protégé sous l'eau va donc être sérieusement diminué et l'on s'achemine vers une digue pratiquement pleine.Les travaux n'en avancent pas moins.
Dario Dell Antonia : Monaco?s cruise asset
Market place : Stonesoft (Sophia) looses 59 % in one day
The American Nasdaq is not the only one that can be pitiless. On Wednesday February 7th, the Helsinki’s market place, in Finland, has experienced one of the biggest fall ever recorded there in one single day : the Stonesoft collapse, a Finnish company creating security software on Internet, a company which, moreover, owns a big research and development center in Sophia Antipolis (about fifty employees). Thus, on Wednesday the Stonesoft’s share lost 59 % after the results of 2000 have been revealed.
Monaco : un an de retard dans les travaux du port
Les travaux du port de Monaco ont pris une année de retard. On parle désormais de l'horizon 2002. Il semble d'ailleurs que le projet de digue flottante ait dû être remanié en cours de route. En effet, des simulations ont montré que la houle pouvait passer par dessous la digue et venir perturber la tranquilité des eaux du bassin. L'espace non protégé sous l'eau va donc être sérieusement diminué et l'on s'achemine vers une digue pratiquement pleine.Les travaux n'en avancent pas moins.