A new weekly publication for the new economy

Posté jeu 01/03/2001 - 00:00
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The group called Test is going to attempt another publication. This subsidiary of Vivendi has already launched with success “Newbizz”. Fortified by this experience, it will publish Le Nouvel Hebdo” from tomorrow Friday, March 2nd “, a magazine dedicated to the Net economy which will only deal with the Net economy, as asserts the managing editor Jean-Jérôme Bertolus. This new weekly publication comes on a market already nearly saturated by numerous magazines. However, “Le Nouvel Hebdo” tries to be different, dealing with business and new technologies at the same time.

Recruitment : Menway Sud sets up in Sophia

Posté jeu 01/03/2001 - 00:00
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Menway Sud, subsidiary of Menway Consultants Group, consulting firm in recruitment and human resources sets up in Sophia Antipolis. It opened offices in the business centre HQ at “Les Espaces de sophia”. Pascale Marmara, former consultant in executive search for the groups Egor in Paris and Heidrick and Struggles in London, will lead a team of Sophia gathering two or three consultants.Established in 1990, Menway Group (26 consultants in France), work with research associates, a Web server where the ads are published and a data base file.

?Deuxième vie' doesn?t want to hear about retirement

Posté jeu 01/03/2001 - 00:00
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Members of the association “Deuxième vie' might not demonstrate to stand up for retirement at 60 years old. During the last meeting of their association, in the of the premises of the EDHEC in Nice, they launched a collective challenge, banning the word “retirement” of their own vocabulary and their circle’s one as well as charging of 5 francs every violation to this rule! The association, which concerns mainly executives between 40 and 50 years old aims to avoid this retirement, helping everyone to find their own way for a second professional life.

Air : Air Littoral will remain independent and regional

Posté jeu 01/03/2001 - 00:00
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The situation is evolving very quickly for the second French air pole composed of SAir Group (Swissair) with the takeover of AOM, Air Liberté and Air Littoral. The new strategy change announced yesterday at Montpellier, in the Air Littoral office by the resigning CEO Paul Reutlinger consists in that the pole will be only composed of AOM and Air Liberté. The name of the company will be Air Liberté and it will be located in Paris. According to that scheme, Air Littoral would remain independent and would keep a regional vocation that it used to have at the beginning.

Market place : Stonesoft (Sophia) looses 59 % in one day

Posté jeu 01/03/2001 - 00:00
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The American Nasdaq is not the only one that can be pitiless. On Wednesday February 7th, the Helsinki’s market place, in Finland, has experienced one of the biggest fall ever recorded there in one single day : the Stonesoft collapse, a Finnish company creating security software on Internet, a company which, moreover, owns a big research and development center in Sophia Antipolis (about fifty employees). Thus, on Wednesday the Stonesoft’s share lost 59 % after the results of 2000 have been revealed.

Frederic Court joins an investment fund

Posté mer 28/02/2001 - 00:00
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Frederic Court, one of Etexx’s promoters was the financier of the team who succeeded to launch the textile international marketplace in Nice. Leaving the company while remaining one of the shareholders, he is now an investor. He joined an investment fund based in London, Advent Ventures, which is worth five hundred million dollars and which will invest mainly in Europe (as well as in the United States for a smaller part) in the technology and biotechnology sectors.

Monaco and the Alpes Maritimes connect their economies closer

Posté mer 28/02/2001 - 00:00
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Will Monaco and the Alpes Maritimes start an improved economic co-operation? When the exhibition Imagina was inaugurated in Monaco, it was a first step. C.A.D (Côte d'Azur Développement), a partner of the exhibition signed a co-operation agreement by the intermediary of its president Jean-Pierre Mascarelli with the Chamber of economic development in Monaco represented by its president Michel Pastor.We were looking for a way to improve the complementarity between the territory of the Alpes-Maritimes and the principality, said Jean-Pierre Mascarelli.

Monaco : un MBA pour les cadres de la SBM

Posté mer 28/02/2001 - 00:00
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Principale entreprise de la Principauté, la SBM (Société des Bains de Mer), va nouer en septembre prochain, pour la formation continue de ses cadres de haut niveau, un partenariat avec l'University of Southern Europe (USE), école privée d'enseignement supérieure installée dans le quartier Fontvieille. Au cours des années précédentes, treize cadres ont déjà suivi avec succès à l'USE un MBA en deux ans.C'est cette formule qui va être pérennisée avec la création d'un MBA spécialisé dans l''hospitality management' (restauration, jeux et management pour l'hôtellerie).

Nice : bilan économique de l'année 2000

Posté mer 28/02/2001 - 00:00
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Le bilan économique de l'année 2000 sera fait le lundi 5 mars à 15 heures à l'occasion d'un point presse sur la conjoncture économique des Alpes-Maritimes. Francis Perugini, président de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Nice Côte d'Azur, et Alain Sanz, directeur de la Banque de France de Nice donneront les derniers chiffres lors de cette réunion qui a lieu dans les locaux consulaires, au 20 Bd Carabacel à Nice.

Cheaper Internet connections

Posté mer 28/02/2001 - 00:00
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Surf the Net cheaper! From Tuesday February 27th, you can now benefit from off-peak hours rates all the time. Communications towards your service provider will be charged 14 centimes a minute at any time through the day. This was the rate you could only benefit on evenings and weekends, the peak hours rates being 28 centimes a minute before. This decrease in Internet telecommunication prices that France Telecom did before the Internet festival only concern non-geographical access numbers, that is to say the FAI numbers (Internet Service Provider) which start with 0860.

Monaco: a MBA for the executives of the SBM

Posté mer 28/02/2001 - 00:00
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The main company of the principality, SBM (Société des Bains de Mer) will establish a partnership with the University of Southern Europe (USE), private school of higher education located in Fontvieille district for its top executives’ continuous professional training next September. For the previous years, thirteen executives have passed a MBA at the USE in two years.This training will remain with the creation of a MBA specialized in “hospitality management” (catering, games and management for hostelry).

MBA : Theseus in the European ?Top ten?

Posté mer 28/02/2001 - 00:00
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Theseus Institute in Sophia Antipolis remains in the “Top Ten” of the European MBA. The classification made in January by the Financial Times ranks Theseus 10th in Europe (and 67th worldwide). Theseus is even part of the worldwide “Top ten” in a classification which takes into account the international mobility of students. In France, the INSEAD comes first (7th worldwide), followed by the HEC (52nd worldwide) and the ESCP (61st worldwide). Three American schools rank among the first: Wharton (University of Pennsylvania), Harvard and Stanford.