JCE : les premiers trophées de la création d'emplois
Quelles sont les champions azuréens de l'embauche ? La JCE d'Antibes Sophia-Antipolis, en remettant les premiers trophées de la création d'emplois lors d'une soirée à Juan-les-Pins, a consacré sur ce terrain des entreprises comme Realviz, au titre des start-up; Techlink pour les services; Technicomposit en catégorie artisanat; Reminiscence Diffusion (commerce); ASK pour l'industrie; 'La boite à Pâtes' pour l'agro-alimentaire.
Nice : le nouveau pôle Arénas-Aéroport
A Côte d'Azur counter at the arrival of Terminal 1, the terminal of the Nice Côte d'Azur international airport : this new service has recently been inaugurated in the presence of the president of the Council of the department, Charles Ginésy, of the president of the CCI Nice Côte d'Azur airport manager, Francis Pérugini and of a crowd of tourism professionals.The principle is simple : last year the French Riviera has been the destination of some 10 million tourists among which 55% of foreign people. More than 25% of these tourists are coming by plane.
The Ariane free zone : 1.792 occupations created
The Ariane urban free zone, launched on January 1st 1997, has created 1.792 new jobs. In terms of net job creations, the figure is up to 671, among which 301 Arianencs (Ariane residents) who have found a job in their neighbourhood. Within two years and nine months, the assessment set up by the Nice city is greatly positive. Especially if we compare company setting-ups and job creations to figures before the creation of the free zone.On December 31st 1996, 193 companies were counted in the Ariane for a total of 1.065 occupations.
The 'Marks' in France mobilize at the European scale
The decision of justice which was given on Monday ( Marks & Spencer's social plan suspension by Paris' county court) gave back dynamism to French employees, including the 87 employees of the store in Nice. Marks & Spencer's unions have decided to all mobilize. Thus they will join to Danone's employees and are organizing a common demonstration in Paris, April 12th.
ETSI: Bridget Cosgrave will be replaced by Jorgen Friis
The ETSI (European Institute for telecommunication standardization) at Sophia Antipolis has appointed a new assistant general manager during its bi-annual general meeting of last April 5th and 6th. Jorgen Friis will then replace, from August 2001 Bridget Cosgrave who had been in function for five years. Jorgen Friis, who is expected at Sophia from May for handing on the baton, has more than ten years of experience in telecommunications. He knows more particularly the technical side of this industry but he also worked in the management.
Nice airport : shiny hostesses...
A Côte d'Azur counter at the arrival of Terminal 1, the terminal of the Nice Côte d'Azur international airport : this new service has recently been inaugurated in the presence of the president of the Council of the department, Charles Ginésy, of the president of the CCI Nice Côte d'Azur airport manager, Francis Pérugini and of a crowd of tourism professionals.The principle is simple : last year the French Riviera has been the destination of some 10 million tourists among which 55% of foreign people. More than 25% of these tourists are coming by plane.
Lemonde.fr : success of mini-dotcoms
/interactif.lemonde.fr/article/0,5611,2865--170476-0,FF.html">'Des petits projets qui gagnent sur le Net': it exists. Whereas in the United-States dotcoms are starting many layoffs and Europe seems touched by the Net-economy backwash, an article in Le Monde(article made in collaboration with BusinessWeek) can raise the Net-entrepreneurs' spirits as well as those who wants to become one of them.
Lemonde.fr : le succès des 'mini-dotcoms'
/interactif.lemonde.fr/article/0,5611,2865--170476-0,FF.html">'Des petits projets qui gagnent sur le Net': ça existe. Alors qu'aux Etats-Unis les dotcoms débauchent à tour de bras et que l'Europe semble touchée par le ressac de la Netéconomie, un article dans Le Monde(article fait en collaboration avec BusinessWeek) peut redonner le moral aux entrepreneurs du Net où à ceux qui souhaitent le devenir.
Conférence à Nice : la mutation du contrôle de gestion
Le Groupe Côte d'Azur de la DFCG (Association Nationale des Directeurs Financiers et de Contrôle de Gestion) organise mercredi 11 avril à 17h30, à l'EDHEC de Nice, une conférence-débat sur le thème de 'Le contrôle de gestion est-il en train de changer ?'. La réunion sera animée par Pierre-Laurent Bescos, professeur à l'EDHEC.
The start-ups of Sophia in strength at Sophia Forum
The start-ups came in strength last week at the Sophia Forum. This second forum for employment, organised by the schools of the research park was dedicated to make the link between companies seeking competences and students who were looking for a job. Near the big groups such as Alten, Altran, SII, Amadeus, Sagem, Nortel Network, IBM and others, the young companies of Sophia had a room only for them (the DPCT, Management of technological competences poles, was in charge of the organization for their coming).
Les 'Marks' français mobilisent à l'échelon européen
La décision de justice intervenue lundi (la suspension du plan social de Marks & Spencer par le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris) a redonné du tonus aux salariés français, dont les 87 employés du magasin de Nice. Les syndicats de Marks et Spencer ont décidé de se mobilier. Ils vont ainsi joindre leurs forces avec celles de Danone et montent une manifestation commune à Paris, jeudi 12 avril.
Jacques Charles, directeur général du Méridien Nice
Un nouveau directeur général au Ruhl Méridien Nice (147 employés et 118 millions de francs de chiffre d'affaires en 2000). Jacques Charles remplace Jacques Lecouls. Jacques Charles, 44 ans, titulaire d'un MBA de l'E.S.C. Lyon, dirigeait le Méridien Garden Beach de Juan-les-Pins. Auparavant, il avait déjà travaillé au Méridien de Nice dont il avait été directeur général adjoint de 1996 à 1997. Jacques Lecouls, lui, quittera la Côte d'Azur pour une autre baie célèbre : il prend la direction du Méridien Copacabana de Rio de Janeiro au Brésil.
Davis Cup in Nice : the revenge of the rugby world cup !
The revenge of the rugby world cup ? it will take place on hard court and...in Nice. Between December 3rd to 5th another world final between France and Australia is scheduled : the Davis Cup. Nice and the department are already in turmoil for preparing the event. An exceptional event which, after the intensity of the final in Cardiff on November 6th (France was beaten 35 to 12), will have the charm and the interest of a sporting revenge. For sure the revenge will not be easy for the French team, since Australians are particularly redoubtable on a tennis court as well...
Nice-Juan : the jazz war
Will the jazz war take place this summer between Nice and Juan ? We have thought so for a few days, while the Nice municipal council has accepted to postponed the 'Nice-Jazz-Festival' for two weeks. Initially scheduled from 8th to 15th July, the former Jazz great parade will take place in the Cimiez arena from July 22nd to 29th. So, four days will overlap with 'Jazz in Juan', which will take place in the pinède Gould from July 16th to 25th. Of course, if Nice had maintained the dates, there would have been two evenings overlapping each other (July 15th and 16th).
Mandelieu : data storage according to Big Blue
Nice : the new economy awards
After Toulouse, Marseilles, Lyon, Lille and Strasbourg, the 'new economy awards' stop in Nice, on Wednesday April 11th, 7.00 pm, at the Grand Café des Arts, Yves Klein's place (near the Mamac). This operation, organized by l'Express, the Journal du Net, the regional daily press and Cegetel aims at rewarding the new economy entrepreneurs and pioneers in the largest French metropolises.
Sophia : OSI is recruiting again
The American company OSI (Objective System Operator) settled at the CICA in Sophia Antipolis, is recruiting again. The firm is specialised in management tools of communication networks (configuration software). One or two years ago OSI went through a bad period, with a high collapse in the Stock Exchange. Since that period, the Californian start-up started again thanks to a new focalisation on its aims.
Sophia : 5 millions d'euros pour Castify Networks
The Arénas multiplex : planning permission is filed
The countdown has started for the Arénas multiplex project in Nice, in front of the airport. Thus, the planning permission for this new cinema complex (20 theatres, 5.600 seats, 1.200 parking spaces) is filed. Of course, this project of 230 million francs, conducted by UGC and headed by Raoul Aubert, the owner of most of the cinemas in Nice and Cannes, has been delayed. Expected in 2000, the opening is now announced for 2002.