Alcatel Spaces : trois satellites de plus pour GE Americom !

Posté lun 23/04/2001 - 00:00
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Un nouveau contrat pour Alcatel Spaces qui poursuit sa percée américaine : la société, détenue à 51% par Alcatel et à 49% par Thales, a annoncé lundi 23 avril la signature d'une commande supplémentaire de trois satellites de communication pour le compte de GE Americom du groupe General Electric . Une commande qui concerne tout particulièrement l'établissement de Cannes d'Alcatel, premier constructeur de satellites européens. Cannes participe déjà ainsi à la construction de quatre satellites pour le compte de GE Americom.

Nice : le laboratoire Kyrn lève 12,5 millions de francs

Posté dim 22/04/2001 - 00:00
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Le laboratoire niçois Kyrn (produits de soins pour la peau) a levé 12,5 millions de francs auprès de Turenne Capital, un fonds commun de placement en innovation pour le lancement de son produit phare, le Keotyl. La société niçoise, qui avait obtenu le concours de l'ANVAR, avait déjà réussi un premier tour de table l'an dernier pour le développement de ce produit (2,5 millions de francs auprès de Sofipaca). Le Keotyl, qui traite les brûlures de premier et second degrés, est aujourd'hui sur le marché. L'argent ainsi injecté servira à la commercialisation de Keotyl en Europe.

Libé : les X-pirates de France2 et France

Posté sam 21/04/2001 - 00:00
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Dans le cycle des mésaventures sur le Web, Libération raconte ce qui vient d'arriver à France2 et France 3. Les deux chaînes publiques sont présentes sur le Net. Mais en ".fr" ( et En revanche, elles ne possèdent pas l'ensemble de leurs noms de domaines et notamment ceux en ".com". et avaient été déposés par un Russe et jusqu'à présent toutes les tentatives de récupérer les deux noms avaient été infructueuses.

Capital on M6: what did the start-up become?

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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In « Génération stressée » (stressed generation), the magazine Capital of M6 (Sunday November 19th at 8.50 PM) is dealing again with the start-ups. Emmanuel Chain’s correspondants will also speak about Sophia Antipolis, through a review on “start-up: what did they become”. Stephane Martin, who is in charge of the report, met Fabrice Grinda again a year after. At the time, ”the very young manager of the auction website Aucland had his picture in all newspapers.

The general assembly of the Telecom Valley association

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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The general assembly of the Telecom Valley, an association which gathers the companies of the French Riviera part of the telecommunication sector, will take place on Monday March 26th at 5.00 PM at the CICA of Sophia Antipolis. On the agenda, the different actions taken will be reviewed: m-tourism, e-recruitment operation, student exchanges with the Silicon Valley, e-learning Gnostikos project for the use of companies, etc. A new president will also be elected, Jacques Gros not wishing to carry on the presidency again.

Start-ups are desperately looking for managers

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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Signalled by Alain André, head of the CICA of Sophia Antipolis, an extract of an article untitled “The start-ups are desperately looking for managers” written by Virginie Robert and published in the daily newspaper ”Les Echos” on Tuesday May 9th 2000. The training of teams at the head of a start-up has become the number one priority for many founders and investors.

Nice : the general assembly of the APPIM

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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The general assembly of the APPIM (Association of partners for the industrial promotion on the Mediterranean) will take place on Thursday February 15th at 5.00 PM at the business centre of the Nice Côte d’Azur airport. Organized in collaboration with the CCI Nice Côte d’Azur, the APPIM aims to encourage the industrial development by the creation of partnership exchanges and the promotion of “savoirs-faire” of the French Riviera. Headed by Jean-Pierre Savarino, the association has 90 members representing 14 000 jobs, 20 billion francs in turnover.

Figaro : there aren?t only soaring start-ups

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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“Start-up: is looking for someone to take over” tells and comments the failure of the first portal dedicated to all pets. This portal has just closed its doors, it was written. It didn’t succeed to raise the 15 million francs necessary to continue its activities. [ ] Focusing on a European expansion in less than three months, the portal for pets ”wanted to juggle many things at once , an investor says. [ ]Article signed by Delphine Denuit, in Le “Figaro economie” from 02/08/2000

Incubators : from GorillaPark to

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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If you wish to know what the word “incubator” covers, you can have a look in the “Start-up” section of the daily newspaper Libération. The article "Couveuses de nouveaux-nets" (Incubator of new Nets) tells about many examples and reports. From “GorillaPark” to “Startupavenue”, from Paris to New-York, going through Amsterdam and Munich, it offers a world tour of start-up incubators. In addition to that, it gives the address of the main websites dedicated or issued from incubators.

Right Vision strengthens its marketing team

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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A start-up set up in Mouans-Sartoux (around one hundred employees today), the European leader on the Internet Appliance Servers market, Right Vision has nominated John F. Mahoney at the position of Sales and International Operations vice-president. His mission will be to develop and organize distribution and sales of Eye-box Servers on the international scale.Holder of a MBA in marketing completed in 1987 in New-York (Pace University), John F.

Capital : the party is over for the start-ups

Posté ven 20/04/2001 - 00:00
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Faced with the new requirements of investors, the Internet business starts its changes with difficulties:- the most fragile are strengthened. ()- the business giants catch up. ()- the financers put pressure. ()- the professionals replace pioneers.Extract of a survey on start-ups in the magazine Capital of August 2000.

AOM-Air Liberté : strike on Nice-Paris

Posté jeu 19/04/2001 - 00:00
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The strike of the Air Liberté and AOM staff has been particularly followed in Nice where flights of both compnaies to Paris Orly have been cancelled (the air link with the capital has been ensured by Air France). The two airline companies, which belong to SAirGroup are under the threath of a drastic social plan which should be announced on April 25th, the date of the general assembly of their owner, the collapsing SAirGroup. Employees, that have started a strike, have made a demonstration at the Medef in the afternoon.

Nice : Marie-France Stirbois at the FN head list

Posté jeu 19/04/2001 - 00:00
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A new candidature for the municipal election of 2001 in Nice : Marie-France has announced that she will the FN head list. So, the FN, which holds a grudg against the Senator-Mayor Jacques Peyrat, passed from the FN to the RPR, launches a strong candidature against him. The former FN executive secretary’s widow will be associated to the lawyer Gérard de Gubernatis.