The Ariane urban free zone, launched on January 1st 1997, has created 1.792 new jobs. In terms of net job creations, the figure is up to 671, among which 301 Arianencs (Ariane residents) who have found a job in their neighbourhood. Within two years and nine months, the assessment set up by the Nice city is greatly positive. Especially if we compare company setting-ups and job creations to figures before the creation of the free zone.
On December 31st 1996, 193 companies were counted in the Ariane for a total of 1.065 occupations. Since then, 336 new setting-ups have been recorded (156 creations, that is to say around 50%, 100 transfers, some takeovers, etc). Thus, in the Ariane, the number of companies has doubled. As far as job is concerned, 978 jobs have been created in services (55% of the total), 608 in craftsmanship (34%) and 140 in commerce (8%). Today, the reconquest of the Ariane is slowed down by the lack of premises available for companies.
Toute l’actualité de la Côte d'Azur.