Lefigaro.com: the stakes of salary savings

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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In Lefigaro.com, there is a report on /www.lefigaro.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=FutureTense/Apps/Xcelerate/View&c=figArticle&cid=FIGIY61M5LC&live=true&Site=true&gCurChannel=ZZZXG1K648C&gCurRubrique=&gCurSubRubrique=">The new stakes of salary savingsfollowing the implementing of Fabius' law. The salary savings, which gathers involvement, participation, as well as the additional amount, is first used by companies for the development of a global remuneration policy.

Lefigaro.com : les enjeux de l'épargne salariale

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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Dans Lefigaro.com, un dossier sur /www.lefigaro.com/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTContentServer?pagename=FutureTense/Apps/Xcelerate/View&c=figArticle&cid=FIGIY61M5LC&live=true&Site=true&gCurChannel=ZZZXG1K648C&gCurRubrique=&gCurSubRubrique=">Les nouveaux enjeux de l'épargne salarialesuite à la mise en œuvre de la loi Fabius. L'épargne salariale, qui regroupe la participation, l'intéressement ainsi que l'abondement, est d'abord utilisée par les entreprises pour le développement d'une politique de rémunération globale.

Seeking entrepreneurs and managers!

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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Start-ups of the new economy need entrepreneurs and managers. Early stage, a club of Sophia Antipolis which specialized in primer funds can testify it. It has published a small ad rather unusual due to the requested profile: 'Seeking entrepreneurs and managers in marketing to work with project holders in the for their Business Plans developments and for capital raises. Fluent English. Answer to : ydelcourt@early-stages.com ou 04 93 00 40 24.'

Antibes: the third conference for Airport Council International

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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The third conference and exhibition of ACI Europe (Airport Council International) will take place at the conference centre in Antibes Juan-les-Pins on Tuesday April 10th at 9.00 until Wednesday April 11th at 13.00. The ACI is the worldwide professional association of airport's managers. The Europe section covers 210 airports of 48 countries going from Portugal to Russia.

The Prefect in favour of the extension of the Nice port

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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'If we miss it, crusades will go to Marseilles'. And if it is not Marseilles, it will be Genoa. In an interview published in the newspaper Nice-Matin on December 11th 1999, the Prefect of Alpes-Maritimes, Jean-rené Garnier, has insisted on the stakes represented by the extension of the Nice port and has announced that he will make the most to achieve this project. The State representative says, among other things, that a tourist region as the French Riviera cannot neglect the crusade industry which is experiencing a strong development.

ICONE 9 in Nice: the 9th conference on nuclear energy

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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About 600 contributors will gather for ICONE 9, the 9th international conference for the nuclear engineering which will be held for the second time at Nice Acropolis, from April 9th to 12th 2001. ICONE, whose first edition took place in Kyoto in 1991, in Japan, already came to Nice in 1997, the two following editions going to Kyoto (1999) and Baltimore (2000).

The Davis Cup final will take place in Nice

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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Some good news for Nice : from next December 3rd to 5th, the final of Davis Cup between France and Australia will take place in the city. According what the French Tennis Federation has asked a 10.000 seat stand and a hard-packed surface will be set up over a exhibition center's space of 12.000 m2.

Victorine : Jean-Pierre Barry in his studios

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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A new page has been turned on Tuesday November 23rd for the Victorine. Jean-Pierre Barry, the CEO of Studios de France, has been allowed to take possession of the famous studios in Nice. Although he has been chosen to takeover the municipal council of the Nice city as early as late last June, several months were required for to solve all the administrative problems. On Monday, the keys was eventually given to Jean-Pierre Barry who, on Monday morning, was on the field with some city representatives. This visit has allowed him to realize that the studios were even more deteriorated.

Nice : les trophées de la nouvelle économie

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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Après Toulouse, Marseille, Lyon, Lille et Strasbourg, les 'Trophées de la nouvelle économie' font étape à Nice, mercredi 11 avril à 19 heures au Grand Café des Arts, place Yves Klein (à côté du Mamac). Cette opération, organisée par l'Express, le Journal du Net, la presse quotidienne régionale et Cegetel, vise à récompenser dans les grandes métropoles françaises les entrepreneurs et les défricheurs de la nouvelle économie.

Jacques Charles, general manager of the 'Méridien Nice'

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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There is a new general manager for the 'Ruhl Méridien Nice' (147 employees and 118 million francs in turnover for the year 2000). Jacques Charles, 44 years old, graduated of a MBA from the E.S.C. in Lyon, was managing the 'Méridien Garden Beach' of Juan-les-Pins. Before, he had already worked at the 'Méridien Nice' as the assistant general manager from 1996 to 1997. Concerning Jacques Lecouls, he will leave the French Riviera for another famous bay: he will take over the management of the Méridien Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Nice : les 35 heures dans les entreprises de moins de 20 salariés

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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Au 1er janvier 2002, les entreprises et commerces de moins de 20 salariés devront mettre en application la nouvelle durée légale du travail. Pour préparer cette échéance, Gérard-Louis Bosio, président de l'UDECA (Union des Entreprises de la Côte d'Azur) et Francis Pérugini, président de la CCI NCA organisent une réunion d'information sur l'application des 35 heures aux entreprises de moins de 20 salariés. Cette réunion aura lieu jeudi 12 avril, de 8h30 à 10h30 au centre d'affaires de l'aéroport de Nice, Terminal 1.

Conference in Nice: the change in the management control

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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The DFCG group of the French Riviera (National Association for Financial Managers and Management Control) organizes a conference-debate on the theme 'Is the management control changing?' on Wednesday April 11th at 5.30 PM at the EDHEC in Nice. The meeting will be run by Pierre-Laurent Bescos, teacher at the EDHEC.

Nice : the 35 hours law in companies of less than 20 employees

Posté mer 11/04/2001 - 00:00
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On January 1st 2002, companies and concerns of less than 20 employees will have to implement the new legal working length. To be prepared for this date, Gérard-Louis Bosio, the president of the UDECA (Union des Entreprises de la Côte d'Azur; union of companies from the Riviera) and Francis Pérugini, the president of the CCI NCA are organizing an information meeting on the theme of implementation of the 35 hours law for companies of less than 20 employees. This meeting will take place on Thursday April 12th, from 8.30 to 10.30 am in the business center of Nice airport, Terminal 1.

Commercial court : resumption at least

Posté mar 10/04/2001 - 00:00
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The resumption of commercial courts of Alpes-Maritimes which were on strike since last February. Between the beginning and the end of last week, all of the consular jurisdictions have resumed their activities expect in Menton where the nine consular judges have dismissed on December 31st 2000 (for Menton, the Nice county court ensures hearings). A resumption which was expected among others by companies in difficulty among which many start-ups from Sophia Antipolis.