Urgence 2 : condition d'attribution des licences UMTS
Constat 2 : la superposition des crises boursières
Les urgences : 1- Coopération européenne dans les fréquences
L’ampleur des menaces qui pèsent sur la filière télécommunication-informatique doit s’apprécier en fonction des inconvénients que les retards dans ces secteurs font peser sur l’ensemble de l’économie.A terme, il ne fait aucun doute que ces deux branches d’activité retrouveront leur dynamisme et leur rôle d’entraînement.Mais dans combien de temps ? Avec quelle accumulation de retards pour l’économie française et européenne ?C’est pourquoi, il est urgent d’agir.
The theme of companies incubation
Someone from Sophia Antipolis has been invited to contribute during the European seminary organized by the BIC (Business & Innovation Centres), on Thursday May 31st at the Grand Palais in Lilles, a seminary which has chosen company incubation as theme: Alain André, the CEO of Cicom Organisation and former director of the CICA in Sophia Antipolis. Alain André, among contributors coming from all over Europe, will tackle a current question: “Managing an incubator which focus on the Net economy: how can we react in front of difficulties experienced by the new economy”.
NicOx manages to increase its capital
NicOx, a start-up from Sophia Antipolis, listed on the stock exchange, has managed to increase the capital despite harsh economic conditions. Even if the low range has been involved since the company has risen 55.4 million euros by selling 870.000 new shares for a price of 68.20 euros. The high “range” expected 1.000.000 shares for a price of 68.10 euros. Taking the operation expenses into account, the result was 63.94 million euros to finance development and research (NicOx is specialized in the development of medicines using characteristics of nitric oxide).
Urgence 5 : accélérer l'implantation de l'Internet haut débit
Etexx, the textile marketplace in compulsory liquidation
Constat 3 : une "pause technologique" risquée
AOM-Air Liberté: practically all the flights cancelled on Wednesday
No AOM-Air Liberté flights between Nice and Paris-Orly today: the strike of the second French air pole staff has been done at the international airport Nice Côte d’Azur (only two flights which were in night stop, which means planes which arrived on the eve and which spent the night in Nice have left in the morning between 6.00 and 8.00).
Nice : the Caisse d?Epargne makes its business output public
Françoise Pieroni-Mignon, president of the Guidance and Supervision Council and Jean Mérelle, president of the board of directors at the Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur, will present the business and financial output 2000 of the Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur. This presentation will be done during a press breakfast at the head office of the Caisse d’Epargne, Arenas, 455 promenade des Anglais in Nice.
South AfricaNet 2001, the laureate of the Défi Jeune in the region
CJD evening : change in the company
Cannes: a «Fouquet?s » at the Majestic
The Fouquet’s on the Champs Elysées in Paris is going to expand in Cannes. Bought up two or three years ago by the Barrière chain, it is going to duplicate to the “Majestic Barrière” in Cannes. This will be the first Fouquet’s outside Paris. The building works should begin at the end of this year for an opening scheduled for next year. This luxury restaurant (250 places) will set up in the right wing of the Majestic, a place where the palace’s restaurant, the “Villa des Lys”, is currently situated.
Amadeus: a reassuring first quarter 2001
The publication of Amadeus first quarter 2001 results has reassured the stock exchange market which feared the negative influence of a slowing American market with the cut in business trips among others. Amadeus has shown that they could meet their sale expectations for this period: the group has generated a net income of 54.5 million euros, rising by 9.1% compared to last year with an EBE (exploitation gross surplus) rising by 20.3% (129.7 million euros).
Nice : les XIXes Journées de gynécologie
Les XIXes Journées de gynécologie de Nice et de la Côte d'Azur se dérouleront du jeudi 14 au vendredi 15 juin, à l'hôtel Radisson SAS, Promenade des Anglais. Cinq cents gynécologues français et internationaux sont attendus. Au programme, un état de l'art en matière de médecine de la naissance avec une partie procréation médicalement assistée et des thèmes nouveaux comme celui des grossesses tardives illustré par le cas de Draguignan (mère à 62 ans).Les gynécologues aborderont une partie d'ordre législatif et moral autour des questions d'IVG, d'avortement etc..
Emploi : le high tech continue de recruter, mais...
South AfricaNet 2001, lauréat du Défi Jeune PACA
Accommodation shortage : the prefect underlines the problem again
University : an agreement between Nice, Genes and Turin
A partnership agreement between the European economic interest group “Les Alpes de la Mer” (EUROCIN-G.E.I.E.) and the three universities of Genes, Turin and Nice will be signed on Tuesday June 12th at 12.00 AM at the CCI NCA, 20 boulevard Carabacel in Nice. EUROCIN-G.E.I.E. is an economic interest group which has in charge to implement the transborder cooperation in the socio-economic field between the Piémont, Ligurie and Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur.