Philo : le regard de Michel Serres sur le virtuel

Posté mer 20/06/2001 - 00:00
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Un bonheur que cet interview de Michel Serres paru dans Le Monde du 19 juin 2001 ! Celui qui est considéré comme l'un des grands philosophes français vivant, répond aux questions de Michel Alberganti sur le virtuel. Un virtuel qui est au coeur du débat sur Internet et les nouvelles technologies.

Book: the Festival of Cannes considered by a sociologist

Posté mer 20/06/2001 - 00:00
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The Festival of Cannes, considered by a sociologist: it is what Emmanuel Ethis offers in “Aux marches du palais, le Festival de Cannes sous le regard des sciences sociales », book published at the French documentation under the supervision of the Ministry for the Arts and Communication. In charge of the communication department at the University of Avignon, Emmanuel Ethis wanted to go beyond glitters and stars.

Alcatel Space : the new satellite market

Posté mer 20/06/2001 - 00:00
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If the Wall Street Journal mentions discussions between Alcatel Space and Boeing, Jean-Claude Husson, CEO of Alcatel Space, in an interview given to La Tribune, at the occasion of the “Salon du Bourget”, announces a cooperation with the other big European group, Astrium and a wish to work in partnership with Alenia. We wish to develop technologies in order to own an important platform of communication satellites which can run the equivalent of 60 up to 100 television networks.

3i Gestion a renforcé son activité capital-risque en France

Posté mer 20/06/2001 - 00:00
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La branche française de capital-investissement européen de 3i Gestion, a parié sur le capital-risque plus que sur le capital-développement (financement des PME qui veulent se développer ou réorganiser leur capital). C'est ce qui ressort de la conférence de presse que relate le quotidien La Tribune dans son édition du 20 juin.

Le Monde Interactif : un dossier sur le capital-risque français

Posté mer 20/06/2001 - 00:00
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Malgré les crises économiques et les modes, certains investisseurs continuent d'aider les jeunes pousses" note le Monde Interactif qui publie un dossier sur "Les piliers français de l'innovation" et fait le point sur le capital-risque à la française et ses grands acteurs (vingt à trente, pas plus, à comparer avec les quelque 400 intervenants américains d'un poids financier bien supérieur).

Publicité : l'avenir reste à l'émotion

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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A l'occasion du Festival international de la publicité à Cannes, Le Figaro Economie daté du 18 juin, a réalisé une interview de Bob Isherwood, directeur de la création monde de Saatchi & Saatchi et président du jury. Selon lui, est-il écrit, le marché publicitaire va renouer avec la simplicité et Internet. La réduction des coûts de production qu'entraînera le ralentissement du marché publicitaire obligera à la simplicité, tandis qu'Internet s'imposera comme un média parmi les autres.

Satellites: Alcatel Space in talks with Boeing

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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Possible collaborations in the satellite industry ? This is what the American newspaper Wall Street make us think, in its paper of Monday June 18th, by confirming that the two European giants in this industry, Alcatel Space and Astrium, had started discussions with American groups. Thus, Alcatel Space, which has a main building in Cannes La Bocca (2.000 jobs), would be in contact with Boeing. Astrium, owned at 75% by the aeronautic and defence European group EADS, would be in talks with Loral Space and Lockheed Martin.

Employment: the UDECA launches again the sponsorship campaign

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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The UDECA (Union of companies of the French Riviera, ex UPIAM), presided over by Gérard-Louis Bosio, wished to launch the sponsorship again. This campaign, initiated in 2000, aims at supporting unemployed people to get a job. A convention, which links the different public operators of employment and the UDECA then plans the support of motivated applicants for work, with a validated professional project by a salaried employee of a company. After a training provided by the UDECA, this person who supports the applicant for work helps him voluntarily for his reinsertion.

AOM Air-Liberté évite la liquidation immédiate !

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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La liquidation a été évitée. Du moins pour l'instant. Le Tribunal de commerce de Créteil, mardi 19 juin en début d'après-midi, a suivi la réquisition du Parquet de Créteil : il a autorisé la compagnie aérienne AOM-Air Liberté à poursuivre ses activités. La compagnie, qui a déposé son bilan vendredi, a été mise en redressement judiciaire avec une période d'observation de trois mois.

Satellites : Alcatel Space parle avec Boeing

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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Des regroupements en vue dans l'industrie du satellite ? C'est ce que laisse entendre le journal américain Wall Street Journal qui, dans son édition du lundi 18 juin, affirme que les deux grands européens du secteur, Alcatel Space et Astrium, étaient engagés chacun de leur côté dans des discussions avec des groupes américains. Ainsi, Alcatel Space, dont l'un des principaux établissements se trouve à Cannes La Bocca (2.000 emplois), serait en contact avec Boeing.

AOM-Air Liberté avoids the immediate liquidation!

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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The liquidation was avoided, at least for now. The commercial court of Créteil agreed with the decision of the public prosecutor's office of Créteil: it gave the authorization to the company AOM-Air Liberté to continue its activities. The company, which declared its statement of affairs on Friday, was put in bankruptcy with an observation period of three months.

Sophia: what did the start-ups become?

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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The times are tough for the start-ups. The start-ups of the French Riviera also face the same problems. Thus, for its last meeting before summer, next July 9th, at 6.00 PM, the Sophia Start-up association plans to gather all the start-ups which were present at one or several evenings organized previously. The representatives will then have the possibility to tell about their current situation, if the adventure continues, if the objective had to be changed or if simply, the activity had to end. It is the occasion to review the situation of the start-ups, in real storm. the flop of the DSL in the United-States

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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An article recommended by the OD.BEE association from Sophia Antipolis, published in early June, on the flop the ADSL in the US: "La déroute de l'internet à haut débit américain". The conclusion of this survey is the failure of the deblocking in the United-States. Independent DSL providers (Digital Subscriber Line) are failing one after the other and the DSL has become a major risk factor. In France, we should learn from what happened in the US.

Air Liberté-AOM : si vous avez acheté votre billet...

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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"Que se passe-t-il quand on a acheté un billet ?" s'interroge le quotidien La Tribune. Les actionnaires de la compagnie Air Liberté-AOM, n'assurant financièrement l'acheminement des passagers que jusqu'au 10 juillet, une grande incertitude plane sur les départs de l'été. Et ceux qui après cette date ont déjà des billets en poche pour Paris, Cuba, les Antilles ou autres lignes du transporteur aérien ?

Internet and advertising by the president of the jury of Cannes

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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During the International advertising film Festival of Cannes, Le Figaro Economie of June 18th, has interviewed Bob Isherwood, the creative international manager of Saatchi & Saatchi and president of the jury. "According to him, the advertising market will take up with simplicity and Internet again", it is written. The reduction of production costs which will result from the slowdown of the advertising market will compel ads to be simple, while Internet will be as important as any other media.

Right Vision: a vice president for finance, legal matters and human resources

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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Right Vision, the leader on the European market of Internet Appliances Servers and set up in Mouans-Sartoux, has nominated Philippe Salaün at the position of Vice president for finance, legal matters and human resources. After the third fund raising of 17.5 million euros realised last April, Right Vision has tried to give a better structure to its Administration and Finance activities in order to optimise the profitability of the company.

Air Liberté-AOM: if you bought your ticket?

Posté mar 19/06/2001 - 00:00
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"What happens when you bought a ticket?" wonders the daily newspaper La Tribune. The shareholders of the company Air Liberté-AOM, financially ensuring the flights for passengers until July 10th only, there are big doubts concerning summer departures. What about the ones who have already bought a ticket after this date for Paris, Cuba, the West Indies or other destinations of the airline carrier?