Nice: the Méridien under Japanese flag

Posté mar 12/06/2001 - 00:00
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After the Elysée Palace, which is now under the American banner, following the takeover by the Shératon chain, the Mériden Ruhl changes “nationality”. The chain founded by Air France and bought up in January 1995 by the British Forte, has just been sold to a Japanese bank group, Nomura. Le Méridien chain is used to this management changes. The Forte chain has passed in Granada’s hands which got close to Compass, a British collective catering group which has sold the whole stuff to Japanese financiers…

Accenture will be listed soon on the Stock Market at Wall Street

Posté mar 12/06/2001 - 00:00
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Accenture (previously Andersen Consulting) announced its wish to be listed on the Nyse (New York Stock Exchange) and to issue 115 million shares on the market (between 13 and 15 dollars per share). The international consulting company, strongly established at Sophia Antipolis (its research park which is influential in Europe gathers about 450 people), would raise between 1.5 and 1.7 billion dollars. It would value the group to more than 5 billion dollars.

Cannes: the first ship in the Vieux Port

Posté mar 12/06/2001 - 00:00
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It is the first time in Cannes that a ship draws alongside in the new cruise quay: it is the Seabourne Pride. This luxury ship, with the Norwegian flag, called at the Vieux-Port late Sunday morning and directly disembarked on the quay with its 186 passengers. A reception was organized for their arrival with the municipal and departmental authorities as well as the representatives of the CCI, who administrate the port. It was an unofficial inauguration.

Accenture bientôt en bourse à Wall Street

Posté mar 12/06/2001 - 00:00
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Accenture (ex-Andersen Consulting) a annoncé sa volonté d'aller sur le Nyse (New York Stock Exchange) et de mettre 115 millions d'actions sur le marché (fourchette entre 13 et 15 dollars l'action). La société internationale de conseil, fortement implantée sur Sophia Antipolis (son parc technologique qui rayonne sur l'Europe regroupe environ 450 personnes), lèverait ainsi entre 1,5 et 1,7 milliard de dollars. Ce qui valoriserait le groupe à plus de 5 milliards de dollars.

Monaco: good figures for the SBM

Posté mar 12/06/2001 - 00:00
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The Sociétés des Bains de Mer, the largest private employer in the Principality with around 3.000 employees, has generated a rising turnover for the fourth consecutive year. For the fiscal year 200/2001, closed on March 31st, its turnover was up to 2.127 billion francs (324 million euros). It was 2.014 billion for year 1999/2000 and 2 billion francs for 1998/1999.Games, which have experienced a 2% decrease last year, are now rising (1.376 billion francs as against 1.337). hostelry has also experienced an exceptional year.

Libération : pussyfooting of Virgin around AOM-Air Liberté

Posté mar 12/06/2001 - 00:00
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In Libération, at least a good news for the 5.000 employees of the Air Liberté group (AOM-Air Liberté): the two companies dropped by Swissair are still very attractive. This the conclusion of the daily in the article of May 25th 2001, "Virgin et AOM-Air Liberté: les rendez-vous manqués", an article which states the pussyfooting of Virgin, a low cost company, about the takeover of a part of the second French air pole.

Université : un accord entre Nice, Gênes et Turin

Posté lun 11/06/2001 - 00:00
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Un accord de partenariat entre le Groupement Européen d’Intérêt Économique "Les Alpes de la Mer" (EUROCIN- G.E.I.E.) et les trois universités de Gênes, Turin et Nice sera signé mardi 12 juin, à 12 heures à la CCI NCA, 20 boulevard Carabacel à Nice. EUROCIN- G.E.I.E. est un groupement d’intérêt économique qui se charge de mettre en œuvre la coopération transfrontalière dans le domaine socio-économique entre Piémont, Ligurie et Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. the GPRS is coming

Posté lun 11/06/2001 - 00:00
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GPRS soon. SFR, after France Telecom, will test it in June with 1.000 to 2.000 companies, in order to launch a professional offer in October, as the offer for the general public is scheduled for early 2002. the General Packet Radio Services provides an acceleration of transfer rates on mobile phones. In theory, transfer rates can go up to 171.2 kbits but operators should offer 20 to 30 kbits rates at the beginning as against 9.6 kbits for the WAP at the moment. A rapid look on this coming with

Bluetooth : the problem of the WAP ?

Posté lun 11/06/2001 - 00:00
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Is Bluetooth facing the problem of the WAP? It is what seems to say the article "the hazardous destiny of Bluetooth" published in Europeinfos, which reviews the Bluetooth worldwide congress at the beginning of June 2001 in Monaco. The problem? The development costs are soaring and they compromise the aim of the profession to limit the additional cost of a Bluetooth function at 5 dollars per device. Moreover, there are several incompatibilities between devices coming from different manufacturers.

Physica at the « Tremplin Entreprises » of the Senate

Posté lun 11/06/2001 - 00:00
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A start-up of Sophia among the twenty young French companies were selected by the Senate and the Essec for the third edition of « Tremplin Entreprises ». Physica will then participate to the big meeting with international investors, which will take place at the Senate on June 11th and 12th. Established at the beginning of the year by Nicolas Calvet, 34 years old, chemist graduated in a Management Master specialized in pharmacy, Physica focuses on « clever » drugs.

Supermarkets : the La Bocca Leclerc will be Leclerc again

Posté lun 11/06/2001 - 00:00
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An amazing case. The Leclerc mall in La Bocca was legally selling some Carrfour products until now. It means competitor's products. But, actually you were in Carrefour. Strange, isn't it ? Explanation. On January 22nd 1996, the Fallecker family, the owner of the Leclerc mall in La Bocca through the Faldis company, sells the supermarket for 73.6 million francs to Amaldis. But this company is a subsidiary of Promodès which is now Carrefour.

RSL Com en redressement judiciaire (pas en liquidation)

Posté lun 11/06/2001 - 00:00
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RSL Com n'est pas en liquidation mais en redressement judiciaire, signale Danielle Lagarde, directeur général de la filiale française de l'opérateur américain de télécom. Contrairement à l'information qui avait circulé sur la technopole et dont nous nous étions fait l'écho, RSL Com n'a pas quitté la scène, même si actuellement, c'est une solution de sortie qui est recherchée.