E-commerce : Dégriftour bought by Lastminute.com

Posté lun 14/08/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

There is some movement in the travelling cyber world. Dégriftour, the leader of broken price sales by Minitel, and which became the French number one for online travels was bought by the British group Lastminute.com, a specialist in e-commerce. The purchase has been announced on Monday,August 14th . The transaction reaches 98 million Euros. The first part will be paid thanks to money, and the second part by about 20 millions of new Lastminute.com stocks.

Medias : Radio Riviera refocuses on 35 to 40 year-old people

Posté lun 14/08/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

The American group Morris Communication, just three months after it bought Radio Riviera, the French Riviera radio in English which is settled in Monaco, has just begun to define its new strategy. Radio Riviera has begun to refocus on a 35 to 40 year old audience, thanks to new programs.Several recruitments have already been planned in order to make bigger the team composed by ten people for the moment, while an American journalist, Jenny Sue Rhoades has just arrived from Florida to finish the new strategy and to settle the programs to broadcast in September.

E-commerce : Degriftour racheté par Lastminute.com

Posté lun 14/08/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

Du mouvement dans le cybermonde du voyage. /www.degriftour.com">Degriftour, le leader de la vente à prix cassé par Minitel, devenu numéro 1 français du voyage en ligne, a été racheté par le britannique /www.lastminute.com">Lastminute.com, spécialiste le l'e-commerce. L'annonce de l'acquisition a été faite lundi 14 août. La transaction se monte à 98 millions d'euros (près de 650 millions de francs). La moitié sera payée en numéraire (45,1 millions d'euros) et le reste par une émission de près de 20 millions de nouvelles actions Lastminute.com.

Palm : E-acute lance 'le défi d'Octave'

Posté lun 14/08/2000 - 00:00
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E-acute, la start-up sophipolitaine, a commencé la commercialisation de son système d'écriture rapide sur Palm Pilot. Le produit 'Octave', que l'on trouve en vente à partir de 169 F sur des sites Web d'achats comme /www.akabi.fr/ficheproduit.php?cp_categorie=37&&cp_cycle=1543"> acabi.frse compose d'un petit cache en étoile qui se fixe à la base du Palm, avec un logiciel pour le traitement des informations. C'est ce logiciel, qui permet d'accélérer le processus de rentrée des données.

Palm : E-acute launches « Défi Octave » (Octave?s challenge)

Posté lun 14/08/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

E-acute, the Sophipolitan start-up has begun to market its rapid writing system on Palm Pilot. “Octave”, which is on the market from 169 francs, on web sites dedicated to purchase, like acabi.fr for instance, is composed by a little star-form mask which must be implanted at the beginning of the Palm, with a software for information management. The software allows to accelerate data registration.

Photographique 360.com : des Antibois 360 degrés

Posté jeu 10/08/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

Une jeune société antiboise, installée au cap d'Antibes, la SARL Photographique360.com a pris le créneau de la photo à 360 degrés. Cette technologie photo, qui vient des Etats-Unis, avait été présentée dans un article d'avril dernier ( 'eVision pour naviguer dans les photos'). Jocelyn Passeron, Guillaume Ferreboeuf, deux web designers, et Rebecca Cutter, relations publiques, ont adossé leur société à une entreprise californienne et proposent de réaliser des photos 360 degrés pour des CD Rom ou des sites Web.

Second home: the British prefer the French Riviera

Posté mer 09/08/2000 - 00:00
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The French Riviera became in 1999 the French region that most interests British people to buy a second home in France. This is the conclusion of a study lead by the British bank Abbey National about purchases of real estate in France by British people. In France, 500,000 British people are owners of a flat, a villa or even a castle. Some years ago such purchases were made in North of France.In 1999-2000, they have been preferring South: 11% of purchases were signed on the French Riviera, 10% in Dordogne, 7% in Haute-Savoie, 6% in Gers, and only 4% in Manche.

Wap : first study about French Wap users

Posté mar 08/08/2000 - 00:00
Par admin

Toteam has published on its site : ethnosphère.com the first enquiry about Wap users in France and the study was realized in May 2000. The statistics are not very encouraging for the Wap (but the study was realized among 450 users of a cellular phone Nokia 7110 type and before the Wap offer was set up). The results are the following ones: most of cellular phone users who were polled think that within two years all the phones will go on the web.