Nice : le salon des comités d'entreprise et collectivités

Posté jeu 22/03/2001 - 00:00
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Organisé par Exposium, filiale 'salon' du groupe Havas, le CECOM (salon des comités d'entreprises et collectivités) se déroulera à Nice Acropolis les 22 et 23 mars. Sur 1.800 m2 seront regroupés 70 exposants fournisseurs de comités d'entreprise (produits, prestations et services) dans les quatre secteurs les plus significatifs : tourisme et loisirs; Noël et fêtes, gestion et équipement de C.E.; service aux salariés.Contact- Exposium à Aubagne, tel : 04 42 18 01 73; e-mail : Site Web : /">

Cannes : ce que le laser peut faire pour votre oeil

Posté jeu 22/03/2001 - 00:00
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Les dernières techniques laser de remodelage de l'œil seront présentées au Noga Hilton le 24 mars lors du symposium Schwind qui rassemble les meilleurs ophtamologistes européens.

Les dernières techniques laser de remodelage de l'œil seront présentées au Noga Hilton le 24 mars lors du symposium Schwind qui rassemble les meilleurs ophtamologistes européens.

Les mobiles entrent dans l'annuaire de France Télécom

Posté jeu 22/03/2001 - 00:00
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Une nouveauté dans les nouveaux annuaires de France Télécom qui arriveront sous peu : les numéros de téléphones portables vont pour la première fois faire leur entrée. C'est ce qu'a annoncé mercredi 21 mars l'opérateur historique qui vient ainsi combler un grand manque. Car en dépit de l'explosion de la téléphonie mobile, les annuaires de FT ne prenaient toujours pas en compte les portables. La liste ne se limitera pas aux abonnés d'Itinéris-Orange. Seront également présents les clients des réseaux mobiles SFR et Cegetel.

Tissue World à Nice Acropolis : le monde du tissu papier

Posté jeu 22/03/2001 - 00:00
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Tissue World, premier rendez-vous mondial de l'industrie du tissu papier, réunit à Nice Acropolis, du 20 au 22 mars, plus de 2.500 professionnels de 68 pays. Pendant trois jours, producteurs, transformateurs, distributeurs et fournisseurs de tissu en papier hygiènique doux feront le point sur leur secteur d'activité (lingettes cosmétiques, rouleaux à usage domestique, serviettes en papier, etc) et dresseront les perspectives du marché.Contact- Pulp and Paper Intl, Suzy Levi, Charleroi 123a box5, B 1060 Bruxelles, Belgique- Site Web : /">

Juan-les-Pins: a luxury residence in the former Hôtel Provençal

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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Another long case in the property business as the Palais de la Méditéranée in Nice: the case of the former Hôtel Provençal in Juan-les-Pins. Closed since more than thirty years, this former luxury hotel with an art deco architecture, which was set up in 1927 by the American billionaire, Franck Gould, was let completely neglected. It was an horrible building facing the famous pinewood of Juan.

Theseus: the Peer to Peer, theme of the annual conference

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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The Peer to Peer is the new Internet revolution. It began to be famous with the big fight of on-line music with Napster, Gnutella, Aimster and others. However, it also opens to other promises in group work with websites as or grouping of computers as Seti@home and its search programme of extraterrestrial messages.

A website to see clearly...

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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/">Bienvoir.netis a new website set up by professionals in opticianry. This website gives you the whole information on how to see clearly (view tests are also available). We can find: a directory of all professionals in opticianry (opticians, ophthalmologists and orthoptists); a catalogue of opticianry websites classified by category (frame, lenses, contact lenses, reconstructive surgery, sunglasses, etc...); advises of opticians; a lexicon on the eyesight; information on lenses, etc. A weekly update is planned as well as the publishing of news files.

Monaco : the death of the banker Edmond Safra elucidated

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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The Russian way was envisaged. The mysteryseemed complete : how had two men, according to the testimony of the injured male nurse, been able to get in Edmond Safra's bunker-flat, at the ultimate roof of a rich-looking building in Monaco ? this real thriller even risked to darken the security image linked to the Principlaity. However, on Monday December 6th, the case of the death by asphyxia of one of the richest bankers in the world has been elucidated. Or at least, according to some observers who remains doubtful, a guilty has been found and an official version has been given., the consumers' website

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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If all consumers worldwide helped each other... it is the idea of a German start-up which launched /">, a European website dedicated to consumers' opinions. In only five months, it became one of the most visited German websites (more than 250 000 opinions on-line) was launched in February in France among others and there is already consists of more than 10 000 opinions. This website, which says to be free and independent, describes itself as 'the first interactive market of users and consumers' opinions.

'Business' websites: our selection

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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- E-commerce : the American example.How do American e-commerce websites look like? Here are a few examples. The first one, of course a famous one, /"> We can find book offers, but also CD, computer and toy offers and nearly everything through zShops. Another representative website, /">Wal-mart, , an American distribution giant which is coming to Europe quite soon. Wal-Mart plans to launch a new website from January 1st which will offer hundreds of thousands items, among which flight and hotel bookings, car rental, etc.

Juan-les-Pins : une résidence de luxe dans l'ex-Hôtel Provençal

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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Un autre dossier immobilier au long cours qui se débloque à l'instar de celui du palais de la Méditerranée à Nice : le dossier de l'ex-Hôtel Provençal à Juan-les-Pins. Fermé depuis plus de trente ans, cet ancien palace d'architecture art déco, lancé en 1927 par le milliardaire américain Franck Gould, se trouvait depuis complètement à l'abandon. Une verrue qui donnait sur la célèbre pinède de Juan. 'va apprenne à parlé français à toi'

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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EasyHumour, certainly unintentional on EasyJet's car rental website. You just click on /">easyRentacar.comand you come to the price heading, with a hilarious translation. At easyRentacar, 'nous va bientôt apprenne à parlé français à toi pour que toi tu serions content'comments the user who told us about this piece of anthology.

Fab's Cweb: incredible CV in Flash 4

Posté mer 21/03/2001 - 00:00
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If there was a prize for the most original CV of the year, Fabien Simon, of Cannes, who is looking for a job of web designer in the region of Nice, he would have all the chances. Its on-line CV proves that he knows very well how to use 'Flash 4', the new Macromédia animation software and its ability to create a website with music and move for an original presentation and full of humour. All the information is presented in a sort of digital poetry. Just have a look. He allowed us to: /">cweb de fab.

Mauvais vent sur les start-up : WWWhoosh licencie

Posté mar 20/03/2001 - 00:00
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Difficile d'échapper aux mauvais vents américains qui soufflent sur la nouvelle économie. /">WWWhoosh, start-up américaine basée dans le Massachusetts qui s'est implantée sur Sophia Antipolis voilà un peu plus d'un an, en sait quelque chose. Les difficultés de la maison mère américaine ont amené à envisager au début de l'année la fermeture du site sophipolitain qui était chargé de couvrir l'Europe.

Tourism: a European prize for

Posté mar 20/03/2001 - 00:00
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The prize of the Federation of European Cities Tourist Offices was granted to the website of Nice Convention and Visitors Bureau, /"> This website gives you all the information necessary for a stay in the city of Nice with additional information on the French Riviera area. Divided in four parts, the website gives information on the possibilities of stay (accommodation, restaurants, etc); on what to see (events, visits, etc), what's on and practical information is also available (access, parking, maps, etc).

Bad wind over start-ups : WWWhoosh lays-off

Posté mar 20/03/2001 - 00:00
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Hard to escape from the American bad wind which are blowing over the new economy. /">WWWhoosh, an American start-up located in Massachusetts which set up in Sophia Antipolis more than one year ago, is experimenting it. The difficulties of the American parent-company have led in the beginning of the year to think about the closure of the Sophia Antipolis site which was in charge of covering Europe.