Directive Territoriale d'Aménagement : nouveau retard

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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Une nouvelle enquête publique pour la DTA, la Directive territoriale d'aménagement des Alpes-Maritimes : c'est ce qu'a annoncé le ministre des Transports, Jean-Claude Gayssot dans une lettre adressée aux élus. La sortie de ce document d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement des Alpes-Maritimes, prend donc un nouveau retard. Initié par le gouvernement il y a cinq ans, cette DTA pilote (c'est la première de France) aurait dû faire l'objet d'un décret d'Etat en 1999.

RPF : head of lists on Cannes and Nice

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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Charles Pasqua, whose name has been often pronounced as head of list for the next municipal election in Cannes, will not join in the RPF. On the other hand, Lionel Luca, the mayor of Villeneuve-Loubet and RPF leader in the department, has declared that two heads of lists were scheduled in Cannes and Nice. It is even said, among RPF members, that Lionel Luca could be this head of list in Cannes.As far as Cannes is concerned, Jean-Pierre Laborde writes in Le Monde of November 22nd : "Mr.

J.C.E. : a woman elected world president

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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The world presidency of the Jeune Chambre Internationale (Young international chamber) of the new millennium will ensured by a woman. Karyn Bisdee, a New-Zealander, was world vice-president near the world president 1999, Yong Suk Choi. His election as been appreciated : electors of the 54th world congress which takes place in the Palais des Festivals in Cannes have carried their new president in triumph. In order to be devoted to the J.C.E.

Grasse : re-energization of downtown

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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On Friday November 19th 1999, 2.30 pm, Francis Perugini, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nice Côte d'Azur, Jean-Pierre Leleux, the mayor of Grasse and Jacques Aouizerate, the president of the "Economic Federation of Grasse" will be gathered together at the Grasse city hall to officially sign the "FISAC" Partnership Convention.This tripartite convention which links the CCINCA, the city hall and the Federation for one year aims at re-energizing downtown Grasse.

J.C.I. congress in Cannes : 4.000 people for diner !

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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The J.C.I. world congress which took place in Cannes from November 6th to 13th will remain in memories as big success. For the number of participants (it gathered 5.113 people coming from 104 different countries together). For the quality of debates turned to a strategy and a thoughts for the third millennium. Moreover Cannes has shown that a meal for 4.000 people (served by Roland Ariza from Cannes, "Traiteur de la Méditerranée") could be served with success.

Théoule wants to buy out its private port

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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The small city of Théoule, on the extreme east of the Alpes-Maritimes, definitely wants to buy out one of its private ports, the Figueirette one, in order to manage it by the city. The municipal council has agreed (11 pro votes and three abstentions) to buy out the port from the real estate company of the Miramar port. The concession of this small marina has been granted in January 1971 and, according to possibilities offered by the law, the city can buy it back.

Virus alert :"Homepage.HTML.vbs" hit Sophia

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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A new virus alert. Be careful about messages entitled "Homepage" with this message : "Hi! You've got to see this page. It's really cool ;o)". If you open the attached file (Homepage.HTML.vbs), what happens is not really cool. The virus will automatically use all the addresses of your book and will send the same contaminated mail to all your contacts. Needless to say that "Homepage" has been diffused very quickly on the world Web, via Microsoft's electronic messaging Outlook Express, the most used one all over the world. Yesterday, on Wednesday, it hit the French Riviera.

Directive Territoriale d'Aménagement : a new delay

Posté ven 11/05/2001 - 00:00
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A new public inquiry for the DTA, la Directive territoriale d'Aménagement of the Alpes-Maritimes (Local planning direction) : that's what the Secretary of the State for Transport, Jean-Claude Gayssot has announced in a letter addressed to elected ones. The release of this orientation document for the development in the Alpes-Maritimes, has been delayed again. Initiated by the government five years ago, this pilot DTA (the first one in France) would have been subjected to an Order of the State in 1999.

Alerte virus : "Homepage.HTML.vbs" a touché Sophia

Posté jeu 10/05/2001 - 00:00
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Alerte nouveau virus. Méfiez-sous des mails intitulés "Homepage" et comportant ce message : "Hi! You've got to see this page. It's really cool ;o)" ("Hello ! Vous devez voir cette page ! C'est vraiment cool"). Car si vous ouvrez le fichier attaché (Homepage.HTML.vbs), ce qui se produit n'est pas vraiment si cool que ça. Le virus reprendra automatiquement toutes les adresses de votre carnet et enverra le même mail contaminé à tous vos contacts.

Festival of Cannes : a information mine on the Web

Posté mer 09/05/2001 - 00:00
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For those who are interested in the Festivals of Cannes (from May 9th to 20th 2001), a real gold mine is the official site of the festival at You can find there the complete presentation of the edition 2001whixh has been done during the traditional press conference in April. But as well, all the programmes, section by section, of the Official Competition including short films, tributes, A certain look, the critics week, etc.

Sophia: open day at the EAI Tech

Posté mer 09/05/2001 - 00:00
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The EAI Tech (Euro-American Institute of Technology), post-baccalaureate programme of the CERAM Sophia Antipolis will organise an open day on Saturday afternoon April 28th 2001 from 1.00 PM to 6.00 PM.Programme:- 1.00: presentation of the EAI Tech by the management- 2.00: Questions and answers- 3.00: Admission test on convocation- 4.00: Visit of the premises and the CERAM Campus of Sophia Antipolis- 5.00: Meeting with students, graduates and teachersContactEdwige Barrault; Tel : 04 93 95 45 43 - Fax : 04 93 65 45 24 – E-mail :

CNRS in Sophia: a colloquium on research

Posté mer 09/05/2001 - 00:00
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The PERSAN group (Education and Research pole of Sophia Antipolis-Nice) is organising a colloquium on research and higher education with a special part on the Alpes- Maritimes. This event opened to the public will take place on Thursday May 10th at 4.30 PM at the CNRS (Theatre IDEFI-CNRS bâtiment 2, at 250 avenue Albert Einstein at Sophia). Among the contributors, there will be Pierre Papon, former general manager of the CNRS, president of the Observatory of sciences and techniques and Jacques de Bandt, president of PERSAN and research director at the CNRS.

Les technos et l'actu sur

Posté mer 09/05/2001 - 00:00
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Pour ceux qui s'intéressent à l'actualité de la Net économie et surtout à toutes les technologies et produits qui en sont les moteurs, voici un nouveau site Web riche en contenus : Ce site est sorti de la fusion entre et La navigation se fait entre neuf rubriques actualisées (terminaux, logiciels, réseaux, commerce, intelligence client, etc.).

Technos and news on

Posté mer 09/05/2001 - 00:00
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For those who are interested in the Net economy and especially in all the technologies and products which are the engines of it, here is a new website rich of contents : This site results from the merger between and you can browse between nine up-dated sections (terminals, software, networks, business, client intelligence, etc.).

Nicox : Giancarlo Santus in charge of the development

Posté mer 09/05/2001 - 00:00
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A newcomer at Nicox S.A., a start-up in Sophia Antipolis specialized in the health industry : Dr. Giancarlo Santus nominated at the position of vice-president in charge of the development. Dr. Santus has more than twenty years of experience in the field of pharmaceutical research and development in Europe and in the world. He will be directly attached to the CEO, Michel Garufi. Graduated in chemistry and pharmaceutical technology in Europe from the University of Pavia, Italia (1975), Dr. Santus is holder of a specialisation in pharmaceutical analysis techniques (1984).