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Flash :

Grasse : re-energization of downtown

On Friday November 19th 1999, 2.30 pm, Francis Perugini, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nice Côte d'Azur, Jean-Pierre Leleux, the mayor of Grasse and Jacques Aouizerate, the president of the "Economic Federation of Grasse" will be gathered together at the Grasse city hall to officially sign the "FISAC" Partnership Convention.

This tripartite convention which links the CCINCA, the city hall and the Federation for one year aims at re-energizing downtown Grasse. It will result in :
- developing a partnership in the framework of actions written in the business and craftsmanship re-energization plan (FISAC),
- strengthening links and communication,
- favouring synergy between protagonists.

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