The winner of the Big Brother Awards

Posté ven 05/01/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

/"> 'Des oscars pour les mouchards', is the title of Libérationfor the French Big Brother Awards that have been rewarded on December 16th 2000 in Paris (in the past, identical ceremonies took place in Great-Britain and Germany). Of course these trophies are vey ironical ones. Their aim, it is said on the site /">, is to denounce and to identify since the very beginning the tendencies of a rising watch of the population; to inform the general public on the need to regulate the illegal business of these non lethal weapons; to encourage the resistance to such practices.'Among the winners, the STIC, ' which has turned as a current event because of a problem of abusive crossroads of a policeman in Nice. What has put the light on the fact that this administrative file is still open whereas the State Council has not yet given the authorization… The STIC (Système de traitement des infractions constatées) which is an inter-police file that regiters crimes, offenses, every kind of fines, is still in operation since at least 1995, which is totally illegal', it is said on the site.And, another winner, the VSIS of the Inria has won just before the range of cameras of Thomson-CSF Sécurité (Thales). The VSIS is an 'intelligent' video-surveillance system which has been developed for five years by the public processing research center (the Orion project).This project is qualified by the award ceremony organizers as inspired by the Big Brother denounced by Orwell in '1984'. The Inria will appreciate…

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