Mobile phones and Internet : the GPRS won't solve everything

Posté mer 17/01/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

Those who impatiently wait for the arrival of the GPRS to gamble on Internet and mobility will be less euphoric when they read a Reuters' article published by Boursorama. /"> 'Mobiles - Démarrage au ralenti pour la technologie GPRS', which focus on the experimentation of the GPRS calms down the ardour. The article focus on the first examples of GPRS use (General Packet Radio Service), launched in Sweden, Great-Britain and Finland since the end of 1999. The first tests proved to be disappointing. ' The connections with Internet remain slow and available services aren't more efficient than those you can find on GSM phones which provide an access to Internet,'it is written. Even the use prices would be as expensive as those of the current WAPOnly hope in the short run : the new model of Ericsson which shall be on the market during the first three months of 2001 with the Bluetooth technology and a new software version of the WAP. ' The GPRS combined with the new version WAP1.2 is a great combination that will give both technologies a boost', a specialist has estimated. But, in this case again, let's be cautious. Let's wait for the first life-size tests.

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