Surveys : CSA TMO is going to settle in Nice
The third French group of polls is relocating a part of its activities in Nice. Thus, CSA TMO, a big group in surveys and market researches, decided to create a Centre of Production of phone surveys in Nice; the Centre will depend on one of its subsidiaries, CSI (Conseil, Sondage, Interview; i.e. Advise, Survey, Interview, in English). The significant settlement in terms of jobs (150 positions at the beginning) will be officially announced during a press conference on Thursday May 4th, at 5pm, in the room of the town council, in the city hall of Nice. It will be announced in the presence of Jacques Peyrat, the senator-mayor of Nice, and of the leaders of the group : Mr. Rougeot, the director of CSI, Roland Cayrol, the director of CSA, and Ms. Claude Suquet, the director of CSA TMO.