Qwam System and the company portal strategy
To exploit the sources of inside and ouside information : that’s what is proposed by Qwam Systemwhich will present its solution of information unique access on Thursday March 22nd in Sophia.
The portal, the only mean of acces to the information : this is the solution that is favoured by the Qwam System company for the valorization and the exploitation of electronic contents (inside or outside ones). This Parisian company, whose Research and Development team is located in Nice, will organize a conference on that theme for companies of the French Riviera. A meeting organized in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nice Côte d’Azur and which will take place on March 22nd 2001, from 9.00 to 11.00 am, at the Maison des Entreprises of Sophia Antipolis.Qwam System (), the first French e-content agency, is specialized in the publishing and the integration of e-business portals and solutions for companies. By optimizing the exploitation of inside or outside information sources, the objective is to contribute to the success of Web, Intranet and portal applications.ProgramThe presentation will be performed by Laurent Le Foll, the Generam Manager of Qwam System, the creator and former General Manager of Verity France, the Internet pioneer in France. Thus, the points that will be discussed are the following :- How can you transform the electronic information over-abundance in a competitive advantage ?- How can you create a Portal that would give access to the whole available information (inside, Web, databases) ?- How can you provide a professional high added-value information to the company portal ?ContactMaison des Entreprises of Sophia Antipolis, C/o CERAM - 60, Rue Dostoïevski - BP 85 - 06902 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS CEDEX, Tel : 04 93 95 45 50 - Fax : 04 93 95 45 58, E.mail : mde.sophia@cote-azur.cci.fr