Gateway cuts off 25% of its staffs (Le Monde)
A new example of the unprecedented crisis in information technologies: Gateway cuts off 25% of its staffs. The San Diego group “will layoff 4.700 people over a total of 19.000 after having already lost 3.000 jobs in January”, you can read in Le Monde. The daily says that the computer manufacturer, which had taken Dell as an example, focuses back on its national market. Thus, Gateway will close all of its subsidiaries in Asia and will probably also totally withdraw from the European market. The Gateway’s share has lost more than 80% of its value on the marketplace in one year. This sudden withdrawal is another sign which announces the end of a period, as the computer has become a everyday-life product. Read the article of Le Monde, "Le constructeur informatique américain Gateway supprime 25 % de ses effectifs".