Employment: fifth month for the rise of unemployment

Posté mer 31/10/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

It is the fifth consecutive month that the unemployment rises. In September, it grew by 0.6% (13,100 more unemployed compared to August). The 9% stage for unemployed in France was exceeding again, the rate now being at 9.1% (2,140,900 job seekers). After a long period of decrease, France is thus going back to its level of November 2000. This change makes it impossible for the government to reach its target, which was to decrease the number of unemployed at less than 2 million, at the end of this year. We are facing the repercussions of the worldwide economic slowdown", mentioned Elisabeth Guigou. The Minister for Employment and Solidarity, while acknowledging that France was going through a bad period for employment, estimated that this bad situation "should only last a few months".

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