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Flash :

Super : Groove.net, the Groupware's 'Napster'

A exceptional 'tool' for a joined work, noticed by Jean-François Carrasco from Viviance, an e-learning start-up in Sophia Antipolis. A new version of this tool, which has just been done, will be found on the /www.groove.net">www.groove.netWeb site. This software, which can be downloaded freely, has been created by the inventor of Lotus Note, the most popular groupware software in the world (it is used by more than 70 million people) even if it is not free.

Roughly, Lotus Note has taken the Napster's tools in order to fit them to the groupware. With a peer to peer protocol, just like the one that allows to download MP3 files, without being compelled to go through a central server, and to communicate from a computer to another, he has created a software which allows to share files between distant computers. This share is completely safe and it allows everyone to communicate with whoever. Groove.net is aimed at individuals as well as at companies. Just like Linux did before, one of the most promising current emerging approach which is likely to revolutionize the use of the Web…

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