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Sophia: online recruitment for Ceram's students

This is a first with the new 'ceram.edu' version which was showed on Tuesday, Sept. 26th during a conference about 'the future of recruitment': students' CVs were put online.

A Forrester Research study speaks for itself: from now to 2003, 100% of big companies will recruit on the web, as 60% of middle-sized firms and 20% of small ones. The Sophia Antipolis Ceram, which now only deals with management thanks to new technologies is aware of the evolution. And it will be the first big management school in France that will open an online recruitment site dedicated to its students and opened to any company.

The new version of the Ceram site (www.ceram.edu) will have to integrate the new concept and it will be showed on Sept.26th at 5:00 pm in a conference dedicated to: 'the future in recruitment is on the Internet'. The conference will be lead by Jean-Michel Laurencin, manager of StepStone France missions and Jacques Perrin, the Ceram manager. Both will wonder about 'state and perspectives of online recruitment'.

Among the e-services proposed to companies on its new site, the Ceram puts online all its students' CVs, who are applicants to a training, or for a first job. The profiles of former students who are looking for a career mobility will be also put online. Each company will be able to register on ceram.edu to make directly the online recruitment its needs and benefit from all the services of the Ceram's businesses relationships management.

In a release, the Ceram has noticed that 'it will permit to any student to boost his/her researches, and at the same time to define the options according to the profiles needed, but also to better anticipate mobility strategies or career turns.

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