The international conference on venture capital has hesitated for long to announce that it would take place at the Agora of France Telecom, as on the previous years. The reason : the historic operator has decided to restructure its property a few months ago. The Agora was put on sale before summer at a price approximating 120 million francs. Apparently, it didn’t work. France Telecom intends to use a building of 10 years existence. The Agora will be transformed to fit up offices accommodating among others France Telecom companies.
The large auditorium will receive its last event with the conference on venture capital. Besides, it will be a problem to find a large meeting room in Sophia Antipolis. There’s not even one place to gather more than 400 people on the urban research centre. More than a house in Sophia, the technological park most certainly needs a large hall imperatively!
Toute l’actualité de la Côte d'Azur.