The sole registrar of the French Riviera goes to Monaco. Domain names registration activities of this start-up founded by Eric Lantonnet will be integrated in the subsidiary of the Eurafnet group.
The start-up from Sophia Antipolis is disappearing. But the trademark TLDnames they have launched, the service and the know-how of this company from Sophia Antipolis specialised in the registration of domain names will go on. In judicial recovery since May 14th, 7ways has found a rescuer: the group from Luxemburg which has Monegasque capitals Eurafnet. A group which has chosen to integrate TLDnames within its subsidiary Namebay. This Monegasque company, a founding member of CORE (Internet Council of Registrars), is also specialised in domain names. Namebay is accredited by CORE and the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).
Means are strengthened
The 7ways takeover, which occurred late July, has allowed to boost the activity of the sole registrar on the French Riviera (7ways was one of the rare French companies accredited by the ICANN for the registration of domain names in .com, .net and .org). Since the creation, TLDnames has registered 30.000 domain names. Because of financial difficulties they went through, they had been compelled to suspend the registration of new domain names for several weeks. Since then activity has started again.
The integration within Namebay, announced on Monday August 13th by mail, should strengthened the means of TLDnames. Thus, according to Eric Lantonnet, the founder of 7ways, it will allow the company to “offer large guaranties and services such as tariffs much more favourable than those you benefited in the past; to maintain the purchasing power in domain names of your current credits in Tokens; an immediate access to new extensions: info, biz, name, etc.
Focusing on .eu
7ways turned to registration of domain names two years ago. The company really believed in technology and had fought for the creation of a “.eu”. Besides, they had already started developing the plat-form for the management of this European suffix which was released very late.
A technologic development activity which has led to increase the staff up to 19 people and which represented a large part in the budget. After the judicial recovery, a part of employees had had to be laid off, there were only five people left (three of them have been recruited by the group). Set up in the World Trade Center of Sophia Antipolis, 7ways which has disappeared as a company, will move to Monaco.
Namebay, headed by Patricia Husson, a Monegasque citizen, is a 100% subsidiary of Eurafnet. This holding from Luxemburg, controlled by Patricia Husson, Marco Rinaudo and Domenico Surace, both of whom are Italian and former people of Bull, also gathers the company (a company set up in Massy, near Paris and turned to web hosting).