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The Smart Information Router of Profium (01net.com)

The Finnish company Profium, a software publisher which has been set up in Sophia Antipolis for more than one year, is not any actor in the content management industry. There are already plenty of companies such as Vignette, Reef, Interwoven and others. 01net.com has dedicated a long article to SIR (Smart Information Router), its management and multichannel publication software. The difference ? SIR doesn’t manipulate contents but an information linked to these contents. What we call the metadata ("SIR, de Profium, gère le contenu par les métadonnées").

Thus, the software is based on the principles of the semantic Web which makes the Web more “comprehensible” for computers. SIR particularly relies on the Resource Description Framework proposition of the W3C, a consortium set up at the INRIA Sophia and which works with Profium. The interest of the system: “taking advantage of various and voluminous content bases with a single tool without integrating technically the bases. The harmonisation work is indeed done through the metadata which describes the data stocked in bases in an organised and standardised way,”01net.com explains.

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