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Security on the Net is the main topic of the Data Base Forum

On March 24th, in the Ceram of Sophia Antipolis, the DBF will review security and management of Internet solutions.

'Security and management of Internet solutions' : this is a current topic that has been retained for the next event of Data Base Forum, the association from Sophia Antipolis; the event will take place on March 24th, from 9am to 1pm, in the Ceram of Sophia Antipolis. This is a topic that will be discussed, few weeks after the attacks led against the star websites of the Nasdaq (the American technological Stock Exchange), by those 'great computer fans' (this is a definition by Robert and Collins), known as the 'hackers'.

In a release, the DBF of the professor Serge Miranda puts the topic back in an economic context. 'Whatever these 'fans' 'aims are (fans who break what they prefer), whatever it deals with organized sabotage, or isolated individuals, the economic stakes, as for them, are really concrete. Damages are disastrous, especially for the whole of the e-trade sector because of the renewed doubts surrounding the transaction confidentiality. Today, whatever its size may be, each firm must be concerned about the protection of its computer system on Internet, against any intrusion.

The March 24th event, whose sponsor is Neurecom, a specialist in security solutions on Internet, will review the solutions currently offered, their limits and the permanent evolution that characterizes them.

Thus, Emmanuel Gonzales, the computer manager of Situp Web Design and Jean Florimond, the person in charge of the motorways of information of the CNAF, will tell about their experiences as users, whereas Christophe Doineau, a BMC Software consultant and L'Hacène Belkhodja, the person in charge of Computer Associates products, will take part to a round table and will answer the questions about the strategies set up by the editors. Fabrice Frade, the technical director of Neurecom, will be the keynote guest of the event.

Reservations : Databaseforum@hotmail.com
Agnès Daems : Tel / Fax : 04 92 96 06 06

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