Nice : the Façonnable marketing team gets stronger
Two newcomers to the Nice ready-made manufacturer specialised in smart “sportswear”. Katherine Melchior Ray, 37, is at the head of the international marketing. Her career, as the one Pierre Guérin, the new CEO arrived last April, is very international: audiovisual in Japan, ready-made clothes for children (Hanna Anderson) in the United-States, then Nike before she became consultant for Nordstrom in 1998, the American group which has bought up the couturier from Nice.Jean-Luc Lachkar, who is now Europe director of shops and development, has made his whole career at Nordstrom and had been, among others, in charge of transition matters in 2000 during the takeover of Façonnable.Two nominations are part of the strategy announced by the new shareholder of the company who wants to extend the distribution network and to develop the European market.