From the firewall tester to the virtual cemetary sellor, the teleactor, the forum presentor, the information broker or the cybercustomers profiler : a new range of jobs.
What are those future jobs we are talking about so much nowadays? It is difficult to see what it refers to. A few concrete examples were given during the conference organized by Sophia Antipolis Foundation under the subject 'New society, new deal'. Thus, Denis Ettighoffer of Eurotechnopolis Institute, has mentioned a list of 'improbable jobs in the traditional economy', but now present within the Net-Economy.
Most of those jobs already exist and their power grow distinctly at the moment : game or firewall testors; scenographers and event organizors on the Web; candle or virtual cemetery sellor; teleactor (helpdesk), noise or singles creator; webcameraman; forum presentor; specialist in virus marketing and telemerchandising; information broker, dataminer; cybercustomers profiler; e-security.
126 telejobs of online services are listed on the website /"> Services are varied : from the elaboration of forms to babysitting jobs, administration of diffusion lists, computer design, software beta-test, the specialist in promotional tickets, video on computer, etc. In this sphere, everything can be considered, since the Net Economy has changed the traditional deal.
'Indeed, 80% of occupations and trainings existing today will still exist in 20 years time, said Denis Ettighoffer in its preamble. What about if we mentioned the 20% of occupations that will change? And then the 80% of the ones we're going to learn and to use in a different way…'