Menton: a conference about 'Think our era'
Menton will be at the heart of existential questions population is nowadays wondering. For the second edition called 'Les colloques de Menton' (Menton's conferences), three meetings have been planned to take place at palais de l'Europe, on Saturdays Oct 7, 21 and 28 at 2:30 pm to 'think our era'. Those meetings are free and opened to anybody and will be lead by famous contributors coming from university or writers of reference works.Program:Saturday, 7: within the series 'science and consciousness', a theme will be debated: 'do new technologies threaten liberties?'. The contributors will be Daniel Moatti, doctor of information and communication sciences, and teacher at Nice University; Fred Forest, a multimedia artist, STIC teacher at Nice University; and an Hermes laboratory representative (which is a laboratory for communication and politics created by the CNRS and lead by Dominique Wolton, one of the great specialists in medias)Saturday, 21: 'Laxness in our society'Saturday,28: 'Signification of the mankind'