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Medias: ViaCannes, based on the model of ViaNice

ViaNice, which had to give up its incursions at Lyon and Toulouse last year, is looking for a closer expansion of its Nice base in the department. Nice city guide has then been launched a bit before the opening of the Festival its ViaCannes.com, based on the model of the ViaNice. It also announces, at the same time, ViaAntibes, ViaGrasse, ViaMenton et ViaMonaco, always based on the model of ViaNice. ViaSophia, which will open on May 14th, wasn't based on an editorial model. It will be a community portal helped by the contributions of the community of Sophia. Thus it will be a model of functioning which will be tested on the research park. If it works, ViaNice will consider to take over the national offensive of its "Viacités" from a "contributory" functioning formula much less expansive than the editorial formula.

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