SK Group, a start-up from Sophia Antipolis in the headlines of Le Monde Interactif. the article is dated from April 30th 2001 under the title "SK Group prévient les collisions sur les chantiers". Created by a former student from the ESSI (Ecole Supérieure en Sciences Informatiques) of Sophia Antipolis, Séverin Kezeu, SK Group has set up embedded computer systems (sensors linked to a central computer) allowing to give intelligence in vehicles. This system has been adapted in particular to prevent collisions of construction crane on building site. Launched in September 1998, the company counts now around twenty collaborators, has generated a turnover of 7 million francs and expects a turnover of 40 million in 2001.
Toute l’actualité de la Côte d'Azur.