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Flash :

Jean-Pierre Martin new director of the SAEM

Change at the head of the SAEM SACA, the Société anonyme d'économie mixte de Sophia Antipolis Côte d'Azur (the semi-public company of Sophia Antipolis) which manages, among others, the technopole of Sophia Antipolis. Gérard Passera, manager executive, will leave on December 31 2000. He will be substituted by Jean-Pierre Martin who was responsible of the operational service until then. The SAEM is likely to be one of the current events durinf the beginning of the year. The rehabilitation plan for the staff that has been laid-off (because of a European decision, the SAEM has had to be cut of several services such as economic surveys, communication and the service for companies) is not appreciated at all by the involved people. Nothing seems to be done and January 2001 is likely to be stormy as far as social matters are concerned…

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