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Innovation & Connaissance à SKEMA: travailler avec les Français, un challenge!

“The Challenge: Working with the French. Insights and experiences of 3 international business professionals” : le 53ème petit déjeuner du Cycle Innovation et Connaissance de SKEMA Business School posera un regard interculturel en matière de management. Comment travailler avec les Français?  Trois professionnels anglo-saxons se chargeront de le dire. Un rendez-vous qui est fixé mardi 18 décembre de 8h30 à 10h à Skema Business School à Sophia Antipolis. La conférence sera animée par Valérie Blanchot-Courtois, Professeure affiliée SKEMA Business School

Points abordés

Real-life examples and experiences of Franco-British business exchanges: "gentleman talk", "hierarchical positions" and the creative side of the English. French and British education styles and systems, and how these "produce" different kinds of managers and approaches.

Working with the French: Non-French Perceptions of French ways of working: the "paradox" around many French ways of working and how they are perceived by non-French managers; the flexibility of ideas and reluctance to define a way forward and then "stick to it"; the need for personal networks and relationships to get things done; the paradox between hierarchy and individualism in carrying out work and taking orders, …

Le programme

  • 8h30-9h00 : Témoignages de Penelope Crowdy & Carmina Catena, gérantes de CC INTENSIVE ENGLISH
  • 9h00-9h30 : Intervention de Anke Middelmann, Pr. SKEMA Business School
  • 9h30-10h00 : Questions-réponses

Inscription : Participation gratuite sur inscription en cliquant ici.

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