The former CEO of Espri Concept, André Labat has been nominated CEO of Simulog. This software company located in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and in Sophia Antipolis is composed of 200 engineers and has generated a turnover of more than 100 million francs in 2000. Simulog founded by Eric Bantegnie, bought up the company the Espri Concept company in Sophia in 1999. André Labat, the new CEO of Simulog and Esterel Technologies (conception of embarked systems control software using the Esterel lanuguage).
Graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs en mécanique énergétique of Valenciennes (Ensimey), holder of a post-graduate diploma in automatics and in management of industrial development (Nice-Sophia-Antipolis), André Labat, 34, founded Espri Concept in 1989 with several other engineers, an Aerospatiale spin-off famous for its expertise in the conception of technique data management systems via Internet (see 'Sophia : Simulog buys Espri Concept'). He became the CEO of the company in 1994 when the American group Assystem entered the capital of the company.
Toute l’actualité de la Côte d'Azur.