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Flash :

The Global Forum 2001 with Sophia UK

Set up in partnership with the Foundation and the actors of Sophia Antipolis, Sophia UK invites companies to meet British partners at the occasion of this event.

For its eleventh edition, the Global Forum, which has taken place for many years in Sophia Antipolis, will take place in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the North-East of England. It will take place on October 18th and 19th 2001 and will follow a regional forum called « Evolution » on October 17th. This forum aims at presenting the e-business and new media sectors in the North-East region of England. Organized by ITEMS International (Dr Sylviane Toporkoff), Newcastle City Council (David Wood) and the Foundation of Sophia Antipolis (Pierre Laffitte), this edition 2001 will deal with a central theme : « Develop the global information society ».

Four important subjects will be developed :
- E-Market dynamics on the 21st century (contributors : Alcatel, AOL-Time Warner, BT, Reuter, Vivendi…)
- E-Economy : Industry and Regulations (contributors : CNN, Global Crossing, Lycos, Thomson Multimedia, ETSI…)
- Virtual services and mobility in the Information Society (contributors : Apple, Cisco, Ericsson, Nokia, Sagem, Sema…)
- E-Society : Social and Societal applications

The sponsor of this event, the Sophia UK Club, offers its English and French members (the Sophia UK club was set up in partnership with the Foundation and actors of Sophia Antipolis), to go to the event and to present what they do at this occasion. It is then the occasion to meet English partners…

Estelle Chatard, Project Manager, Club Sophia UK, T : (+44) 0191 284 2213; F: (+44) 0191 285 1116; E-mail : estelle@clubsophiauk.com; Website : http://www.clubsophiauk.com/

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