The ETSI of Sophia was awarded a prize by the GSM congress
There wasn't only large groups of the French Riviera which were at the big GSM congress in Cannes. Two smallest companies of Sophia, linked to cartography technologies (they are more important because they enable to set up networks substructures in a more optimal way) had a stand at the exhibition: Geoimageand Istar.Here is another famous contributor from Sophia, even if it keeps discreet on the research park: the ETSI (European institute of telecommunication standards). The presence of this institute, which is at the origin of the fabulous success of the GSM, explains the establishment of large mobile phone groups in Sophia Antipolis, preoccupied to be associated with the making of standards and more particularly new UTMS standards, the ones of the third generation mobiles. Moreover, the GSM congress recognized the ETSI, granting a prize for the 'best contribution to development and expansion of the GSM standard'.