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Campus STIC : Geneviève Gourdet, president of the University

'We wish that by a year and a half to two years, the construction works of the first building will be well advanced.

'The project of the STIC campus (Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication) was recently selected by 'Le Nouvel économiste', as one of the one hundred projects that would boost France. What is the advance of this project which was selected by the last planning contract between the State and the region? Geneviève Gourdet, president of the UNSA (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis) followed step by step the progression of a project she initiated with her partners of the public and private sector.

- Sophianet.com : you were expecting a financing worth 230 million francs. Was this figure confirmed?
Geneviève Gourdet :This is the amount we asked for. We didn't get all of it but nearly. Thus we have the confirmation of an allowance worth 115 million francs for the STIC campus. However, we also got, what is added to this figure, 30 million francs for the 'BU' (University Library) and 15 million francs for sport facilities. Moreover, the Eurécom Institute, for its establishment on the campus, will benefit from 55 million francs (in addition to the planning contract between the State and the region), for the construction of its building.

- Sophianet.com : how did the project evolve? It was planned to build three buildings next to the Essi pole, the IUT and the INRIA?
Geneviève Gourdet :
In the allowance that we've been allocated, one part has to be dedicated to research equipment and the rest to construction. Concerning this last point, it is aimed to build a common building for both the University and its partners (in the project, there is also Eurécom, we collaborate with the INRIA, etc). It is planned to build premises from 5 000 to 7 000 square meters for the University courses but also for the laboratories of uses that the Telecom Valley association wishes to set up. Square meters would be dedicated to reception, both for the university and its partners. We are in a logic of mutualization of needs and this makes the sense of the project. Eurécom will then build its own building with the budget it is allocated. As for the INRIA, it should be allocated growing means.

- Sophianet.com : what will be the courses on this campus?
Geneviève Gourdet :
On the STIC campus, the computer and electronic courses will be gathered as well as the courses of the Essi and the Esinsa, two establishments which are already set up on the site of Sophia and gathered in a EPU (University School of Polytechnics). Furthermore, it is planned to open bio computer courses and a 'DESS' in economy, which will be in this case highly linked to the new economy.

- Sophianet.com : what is the schedule of the project?
Geneviève Gourdet :
We already have the allowance and are studying the finalization of the programme. Then, we will make a call for tenders in order to start the constructions. This step will take about a year. On the other hand, we aim to settle the problem of sites. We only have one location possible: a part of Compaq's sites. We also wish that by a year and a half to two years, the construction works of the first building will be well advanced.

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