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Associations : The GIMECA takes up the Net

The Groupement des industries mécaniques et électroniques Côte d'Azur will present its new website during the general assembly, on Thursday May 10th, in Sophia Antipolis.

The GIMECA loves the Net. The Groupement des industries mécaniques et électroniques Côte d'Azur(group of mechanic and electronic industries of the French Riviera) had benefited from the Met@l.net 06 operation last year. With the support of the Council of the Department and the Drire, this operation has allowed 11 member SMEs to be supported in an approach of appropriation of Internet tools.

This time the GIMECA is going to open a website at the address www.gimeca-06.fr (opening after May 10th). This new site, realised by the company from Sophia Antipolis Web Time Medias (publisher of Sophianet.com), will be presented during the general assembly of the association, on Thursday May 10th, 5.30 pm, at the Grand Hôtel Mercure, Sophia-country-club of Sophia Antipolis.

The association, which is composed of 180 companies representing more than 11.000 employees and a turnover of 20 billion francs (among which 65% to exports), will thus be able to communicate continuously via Internet. On the site, besides data regarding the GIMECA, you will find pieces of information about the life of subscribing companies, about employment and formation in this industry. After the assembly, Michel Bernasconi, holder of the entrepreneurial chair at the Ceram of Sophia Antipolis will tackle the theme "What can a research park bring to start-ups ? The example of Sophia Antipolis." Another way for the GIMECA to be at the leading edge of modernity…

Raoul-Jacques Joussemet, tel : (04) 97 25 45 00; e-mail : rj.joussemet@wanadoo.fr; address : Porte de l'Arenas, 455 promenade des Anglais BP 3136, 06203 Nice Cedex 3

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