Alain Costes was recently elected technology manager at the Ministry of Research. He follows Geneviève Berger, elected CNRS general manager. The Technology board of directors implements the technological and innovation development policy: valorization of public research results, technological cooperation with firms, help to innovation and creation of technological firms…
Engineer ENSEEIHT, doctor of sciences and teacher at the university, Alain Costes was manager of the LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse from 1984 to 1996 and has been president of the Polytechnic National Institute in Toulouse from 1996. He was responsible for several missions in the CNRS: manager of the 'computer science, automatic, signal treatment' section (88-93), president of the council of the 'sciences for the engineer' department (92-95)…
Specialist in STICs, he was in charge on July, 6, to preside the commission in charge of setting up in the CNRS a scientific department 'Sciences and technologies of information and communication'. The creation of the new section was decided by the CNRS board of directors on Sept 27 2000.
Toute l’actualité de la Côte d'Azur.