Completel and France Telecom bet on the broadband

Posté jeu 07/06/2001 - 00:00
Par admin

There are more breakfasts and forums on the theme of the advantages of the wideband. It is a way for Completel (optical fiber) and France Telecom (ADSL) to promote their new services.

France Telecom won't let Completel to be the only one on the market of digital lines in the Alpes-Maritimes. The fight for digital lines then began on a commercial basis a month ago whereas Completel was about to finish the development of a departmental local loop in optical fiber (80 kilometres with a loop in Nice and in Sophia-Antipolis and a link between these two loops). Thus the historic operator counter-attacks with its first "partners forum". This meeting, organized by the East-Mediterranean companies' agency of France Telecom, dedicated to its business partners, will take place on Thursday, June 7th at 8.30 AM at the Agora of France Telecom, 905, rue Albert Einstein at Sophia Antipolis.The theme of this morning makes quite an exhaustive programme: "Broadband services and ADSL: a new inspiration for our customers". On the agenda, there are presentations and demonstrations. At the opening, it will be the new organization of France Telecom which will be presented as well as the new partnerships (business partnership; Indirect Sales Division partnership). There will be some technique on the programme with a precision on France Telecom's data transport services, backbones services (MultiLAN, SMHD, InterLAN, Transfix), and services such as Turbo DSL. It will also deal with IP solutions on ADSL (Internet access via Wanadoo and Oléane, intranet, frame-relay). Thus it is a development of "homemade" solutions for the broadband.Completel, the alternative operator, will continue to capture the broadband market with its optical fiber. Two new meetings are planned for the companies. On the website of Spaces, route de Grenoble in Nice, a block of buildings for professional use that the operator has just wired, it will organize a breakfast on Friday June 8th at 8.45 and will present its offers of services (portability of numbers, multi-site tariff offer for telephony, broadband gates from 100 kbits/s to 80 Mbits/s for the Internet access, inter-website specialized links and inter-cities for the data).At the same time, a new meeting is planned at Sophia Antipolis on Wednesday June 13th at 8.30 at the Grand Hôtel Mercure on the theme: "The indisputable advantages of the broadband". Jean-François Golhen, marketing and sales manager of Completel France will deal with "Optical fiber: a condition for the access to developed services". However, for this demonstration, the operator won't be the only one. Pascal Romano, in charge of sales at Cisco Systems, will deal with the "daily benefits of the broadband" and Jeffrey Brown, in charge of value added marketing products of Genesys, will focus on another subject : "the teleconference at work on a cooperative basis". How can you resist after so many advantages…

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